Graduate with Honours

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Chapter three: "Graduate with Honours"

As I sat down at the table, Alice pushed a burger in front of me.
"You bought me a burger?" I felt touched because she bought me food

She nodded in response and went back to eating her burger
"Thanks Happy" I said and ate the burger, she smiled at me in response

We ate in peace but Danny just decided to destroy that peace with her presence as she and her group of followers walked up to our table.
"I see that the school's idiot is still here" she leaned to me and showed me her smug smile

I didn't say a word because fighting would be stupid enough, I might embarrass myself even more
"She's quiet because what you said is true Danny" a follower told Danny loudly on purpose for everyone in the cafeteria to hear

"Danny stop it" Alice said as she smiled at her. people might mistake Alice's smile for Danny as genuine but if you spent time with Alice, the smile that she is giving Danny is the 'shut the hell up' smile

Danny looked at someone behind me and I didn't need to look to know who she was looking at
"Hi Cloud" I could feel death was trying to poke fun at me for even letting me hear her flirting with Cloud

Cloud did acknowledge her but didn't say anything as he sat down at our table. He brought out an orange that was packed in a lunchbox and ate it silently. Danny was not giving up that easily though

"Instead of sitting here you and Will can join us at the other table" Danny gestured them to the center table of the whole cafeteria, all of the preppy smart kids were gathered there studying together. In every school, there is always be that one clique that will be above the rest so in my school the preppy kids would be at the top of the food chain cliques

"No thanks, I'll just stay here with my sister" Will patted Jane's shoulder as he eats an apple with the other hand. We look to Cloud to know what his response would be.
"I'm not going if Will doesn't" he doesn't look up at us. He just looked down at his notes and ate an orange

Danny always asked these two to sit with them during our first year of High School but they wouldn't even try to sit with them even for a bit, Danny smiled
"Everyone will be welcoming you guys if you guys ever change your mind" she turned around and quickly shot me an angry look before she walked back to her table

As soon as she was far away from us, all of us at the table gave out a sigh of relief even Cloud too.
"I would rather be pointed at by a gun than sit with them" Cloud commented and Will agreed with him. Jane whispered something to her brother and Will looked at her funny

"Sis, I don't really like them in the first place so don't worry"
"Is Jane worried again?" Alice asked Will and he nodded a little. Jane is really a softie so she wouldn't mind her brother leaving her for a group that is his own kind but Will isn't that type of guy

"So guys, what are your plans for this School Year?" Jane asked in a quiet voice to try and change the topic. Alice, of course, was the first one to answer

"I would love to try out for the Dance Troupe," she said in excitement, almost jumping her seat kind of excitement.
"Isn't the dance troupe too harsh at the tryouts?" I asked her and she nodded

"The harder it is to achieve, you either give up or strive to work hard to get it" Cloud looked at us from his book. he shot me a look and I felt offended, like that sentence was meant for me

"It seems like some of us have enjoyed too much of their status" I purposely said it as a joke but Cloud seemed to catch on. I glared at him as I took a sip at my drink

Will just knew what was happening and just told his answer to his sister.
"I might go volunteer in the clinic" he said and grinned

We look at Cloud for his answer
"I just want to remain as an honor until graduation" he said proudly. they all looked at me next, waiting for me to tell them about my plans for this school year.

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