Full Of Energy

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Chapter one hundred thirty-four: "Full Of Energy"

The performance ended with me having a small solo before I press the last key, the audience cheered and clapped for all of us

I gave them a small wave, my group all stood up and Tiffany walked up to me so she could pull me in the middle alongside them

Simultaneously we all gave the audience a bow, a huge grin has formed on my face
This feels nice, I love this feeling

We all started going down the stage and I can see my friends waiting for me. Daisy ran first to me and gave me a tight hug "You did so well!"

Aiden puts an arm around me "Pip you stole the spotlight"

Wyett and Peter agreed with him "You're dress shimmers under the spotlight making you almost like a focal point of the performance" Wyett complimented me

They all started to bring me to a place but suddenly I asked Mira again "Is the bunny still there?"

She smiled "It's eating right now, you can go visit it" she patted my back, I was so excited to see the bunny that I did that speed walk thing until I reached the dandelion field

The place was so serene and relaxing that I feel like all my troubles will melt away in an instant, my eyes went to search for the bunny among the flowers. The sun was setting and it took me a few minutes to find the baby bunny that was munching on some grass

"Hello there little one" I greeted it with a soft voice as I patted its head, the baby bunny closed its eyes as I keep petting it

Take note that I was still wearing the dress in the field so I felt the cold wind at my open back

I heard someone stepping on the grass that made a crunch sound and felt a strong presence behind me that made the hair on my body stand up
This feeling...

Don't tell me he's here

The person behind me started playing with my hair "I finally found you, my Angel"
It's Cloud! Oh My God, He's here!

I stood up quickly
I'm not prepared for this

No, I haven't faced him yet. I ran quickly which was my first reflex reaction
This is going too fast, I don't even know if I'm prepared to meet him yet!

My heart was racing and my fight or flight response has activated, I was almost near leaving the field when suddenly I saw Mason and Oliver were holding a huge net
What the fuck!?

I avoided the twins and turned the other way to find another exit but all of them were blocked by Dustin, Liam, and Noah

Benjamin stepped out behind the tree along with Nick, Nikki walked out into the field to grab the bunny and tuck it in her arms

"W-what's going on" I asked them, I heard myself stutter and my hand shaking

Nobody is answering me and it only made my anxiety worse so I took a chance and ran past the space between Liam and Noah to get away from them

I underestimated their speed of running, it wasn't long before they caught me and threw me over their shoulder "Nice to see you are full of energy Penelope" Noah told me while Dustin had me over his shoulder

The sun has already set and the light of the stars and moon up in the sky provided a great lumination across the field, Dustin sets me down on a log before giving me a reassuring pat on the back
Don't leave me alone with him!

"You guys can go now, I'll stay here. Thanks" I heard Cloud speak to Dustin, the sound of many feet leaving the dandelion field tells me they already left us to talk privately

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