Penelope's Alarm

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Chapter eighty-two: "Penelope's Alarm"

I was leaning my chin on the back of my hand while my other hand was playing with the peas on my plate with my fork

"Angel stop playing with your food" Cloud said as he was cutting up his steak, I gave him a side glare before eyeing everyone on the table
Our siblings thought it would be a great idea to eat together at a fancy restaurant before we leave for the 2-week reunion

Benjamin was cutting his steak as if his life depended on it because his face was filled with pure determination, Mason saw him and decided to trade steaks because he managed to cut his steak into manageable bite-sized pieces. Not only this dinner was making me uncomfortable but the people in the restaurant has their curious eyes glued on us
More specifically the Marshall siblings since their faces are instantly recognizable from a magazine

My sisters were not even giving a single fuck at the attention because they have their attention set on the mouth-watering food that is on our table since we are a group of 14 people the restaurant owner managed to make do, and they were able to get 3 tables side by side so we can have a long table

The long table however took the entire side of the second floor of the restaurant which is another factor to why people are eyeing us from their table, I feel like if I was given a choice of being stared at by sheep's at night or being stared at by many people while eating I will choose the sheep

Noah became the generous brother and friend that he decided to be the one who will pay for all of our dinners tonight, while we stepped out of the restaurant I was not ready to see the person who was about to get in with her family


She smirked at me "Idiot Penelope, surprised to see you here" she whispered close to me

I chuckled lightly and put a strand of hair behind my ear because it fell off on my bun to my face "Glad to see you being treated as an in Sane person" I put a finger under my chin "What was that letter you put in my locker again? Hmm" I put up a fake smile to mock her cowardice

I snapped my fingers "I remember now! You called me a Slut!" I said loudly on purpose for everyone around us to hear
If she can pretend to be a boss ass bitch while being quiet let's see if she is still acting the same if we are loud, call this a coward move but I would like to call it Penelope's Alarm

Make it loud enough for your siblings and everyone to hear so she can be flustered and she won't act quickly like before you both were alone

Her face flushed to red from pent up anger and seeing her parents aren't around yet means she was trying to stay calm in front of Cloud who was staring at us for the past ten minutes, Brie's sharp ears heard what I said and she turned around to face us

She was about to enter Dustin's car when she heard it and she was 8 feet away from us
As expected of the gossip girl from our family

"What did you say?" She said threatening through gritted teeth

All of my sisters seemed to catch on to what is happening once they saw Danny, their eyes shifted to deadly serious and cold. The boys were astonished at the shift of their mood, they were left puzzled while looking at each other

"Yo, what is happening?" Liam asked all of his brothers and Cloud was the only one who understood what is about to happen

"I suggest you guys stand back" I warned them all before we simultaneously stepped backward to make room for my older sisters to step forward

Natalie has an indifferent face on, Ella was pissed, Brie looked like she is ready to roast Danny and Caramia is about to commit murder
With murder?

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