Sweating Waterfall

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Chapter ninety-seven: "Sweating Waterfall"

We heard a male voice call out to my Aunt and I turned to see Uncle Cashew with a bright smile on his face

"Mi amor, te he estado buscando por todas partes" (My love, I've been looking everywhere for you) Uncle Cashew tried to get closer to Aunt Holly but she puts up a hand to stop him

Thankfully I can clearly understand what he was saying to her so I can understand what is going on, Aunt Holly glared at him and goes "No me hables hasta que lo admitas" (Don't talk to me until you admit it) She looks pissed at Uncle Cashew but I know for certain that he is a dead man

I asked "¿Que está pasando aqui?" (What's going on here?)

I was pulled away from both of them by my cousin Jeremiah "Qué bueno verte de nuevo Pequeña piñata, solo no los molestes, especialmente cuando mi mamá está enojada" (Good to see you again Little Piñata, just don't bother them, especially when my mom's mad)

"I see you still call me little piñata" I cracked my knuckles with a fake smile on my face

"What better way to hit you and see blood come out" Jeremiah copied me and we got separated by Vivi, Jeremiah's older sister. When I said that I inherited violence from my family, I wasn't kidding

Me and Jeremiah would always fight each other, not the shouting kind but the fight where you punch and slap one another. We did grow out of that little demon phase but of course, it still wouldn't leave

Vivi slapped her brother at the back of the head, I think I heard a crack
Holy crap did she break his neck!?

"Hermana ¡Detente!" (Sister stop!) He told her loudly, Vivi put both of her hands on her waist

"Jeremiah stop, you are a full-grown adult now not a kid. If you hit Penelope she would be dead"
Well that's a bit exaggerated

I don't think Vivi knows that I'm the one here between me and Jeremiah who always wins at every fight, Vivi always keeps her brother in check. Jeremiah may act like a jerk but he would be the only person who would understand my stupidity problem because he is one too.

If I would've known better maybe I would just drop out of high school and become a street fighter or join a gang

"Are there others of our family members here now too?" I asked Vivi

She shrugged at me "Dunno, we just came here"

We can hear Aunt Holly and Uncle Cashew's loud voices

"So what happened between them?"

"Papa said that he would buy a watermelon to Mama but Mama is becoming impatient"

I mean the mood swings of a pregnant woman are amazing, this family is growing every day and I'm scared at the fact that I can't keep up with all of my cousin's names
If Aunt Holly and Uncle Cashew are here then I guess Uncle Jean is here too!

Uncle Jean is closest to Aunt Holly, J would assume that he joined them on the trip to get here. I waved goodbye to Jeremiah and Vivi as I went on a search to find Uncle Jean

If there is anyone here in my clan who is the smartest it would be Uncle Jean, I don't think he's on and off again girlfriend will be here since I heard from Adeline before that they broke up again

He did have kids with his on and off again girlfriend but it was hard meeting my cousins from his side of the family

Out of all the cousins that I have spent my entire life with, his children are the only cousins that I never get a chance to get close to since they were always at his girlfriend's home. I walked around searching through the crowd to find him, he is a short man who would always dress well even if the reunion in informal

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