We Look Hot as Hell

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Chapter six: "We Look Hot as Hell"

My reflexes suddenly punched Cloud in the stomach, he held his stomach in pain.
"THE HELL PENELOPE?!" He said loudly at me, his eyes showed so much hatred and yet they disappeared once he has calmed down.

"Sorry but I don't sleep with perverts" I told him angrily, he held one of my wrists as soon as he finally recovered from the punch. Cloud's face was serious and I can see a nerve showing at the side of his neck where he clenched his jaw tightly

"No you idiot, I mean sleep beside me not do that, but if you want I don't mind" he smirked.
The sheer fucking confidence of this guy 
I rolled my eyes at him, is this how he deals with girls?!

"Why do you suddenly tell me this offer?" I asked him, he smiled
"We could help each other"

"With what? Me sleeping with you and you tutoring me? My parents are going to kill me" I told him as I try to give him my point and explanation, many people will question our relationship if I sleep with him on the same bed. I'm more concerned what happened to Cloud to have that kind of idea in his head.
We would be the center of attention of everybody's gossip

"That won't be a problem" he leaned on the lamp post as he is waiting for my answer.
"So what is this amazing solution that you thought of?" I asked him as I try to show him that I am not much interested in his offer, if he thinks that I can just accept his ridiculous offer happily like a clueless girl. He is wrong.

"We keep it a secret" he said with one finger at the front of his lips like a shush. He might be the apple to everybody's eye but to me I can see the rotten parts that are hidden, to be more specific he acts like a goodie two shoes but when people turn their backs this is who he really is.
A wolf in sheep's clothing

I am glad I know who he really is because he could've fooled me real good.

"And do you think that people would not get suspicious? Like how the hell am I going to sleep with you if I live with my parents? they would become suspicious and will question me" I'm more concerned about how people would think of me because he would come into the picture and might as well destroy my life.

He didn't even think for a second when he told me this next "in school we keep it a secret but to your family we will make it like we are in a relationship"

I kicked him at the knee and he bent down to hold the hurting knee that I just kicked "Everything you say sound so easy to you but if you look at it from my perspective, it is way harder than it seems"

He looked up at me "I will give you by tomorrow about your answer" he finally gain his strength from his knee and stood up properly, I turned my back on him and walked straight to the van.
As if I would accept the offer


Never have I seen such a mess in my entire life but more importantly in my room, I was so tired last night that after my body touched the bed I instantly fell asleep that I didn't have time to look around my bedroom.

I looked to my right to see Aunt Laborè sound asleep with her silky creamy white eye mask on, my sisters know I'm a neat freak so seeing my room like this can make me irritated this early in the morning. I tried to understand that Aunt Laborè doesn't know that I am a neat freak so this might get complicated.

I got out of bed and took a shower, as I went out to my room in a towel I saw Aunt Laborè in my walk-in closet.

I guess rummaging through someone's closet runs in the family  
She came out with a spaghetti-strapped yellow sundress that has white daisies pattern all over it and the dress would reach my mid-thighs.

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