It's Me

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Chapter eleven: "It's Me"

During the entire conversation with Aiden, I have to keep nudging Cloud at the side to keep talking to Aiden or else the tension will get worse, we all decided to leave the Music lounge and go back home

Aiden offered to walk me home today and Alice gave me a victory smile before she left with the rest of the group, this walk would have been nice if it was only me and Aiden but when I looked to my right, Cloud was there walking very closely with me

After a few minutes of walking, I can see my Dad at the garage fixing the van
Did the engine break again?
Our van is very old and it breaks down from time to time

I jogged to my Dad so I could help him, I could feel the two walk closer behind me
"Dad" I spoke and I could hear the sound of the wrench stop, he pushed himself out from underneath the van because he was on top of a skateboard

"Hey sweetie" he answered as I help him stand up, his eyes landed on the two

"Hey Cloud and.." He squinted his eyes at Aiden trying to see if he could remember his face

"It's me Aiden, Mr. Price" Aiden happily said and my Dad gave him a grin right after making a shocked face
"Dear me, you two have grown" Mom complimented both Aiden and Cloud as she walked out of the house holding the toolbox

"Hi Mrs. Price" they both greeted her in unison which is freaking me out because they are doing the exact same thing

"Do you need any help?" Cloud asked dad as he knelt to take a look beneath the van
"I know a thing or two about fixing engines," Aiden told us as he rolled up his sleeves

Cloud removed his leather jacket and it showed his muscled biceps and some veins are showing, I glance up at Cloud's face who is now smirking at me
"You like what you see?" He whispered then I rolled my eyes at him as I stepped into the house ignoring his gaze burning at the back of my head

As I close the entrance door I saw all of my sisters looking out the window looking like curious puppies
"Woah, Penelope where are you getting these hot guys?" Brie told me as she keeps ogling at the two in awe

"They're my old preschool friends Aiden and Cloud" I answered Brie as I went to the kitchen to get bottled water

"Are you serious? The last time I check both Aiden and Cloud were scrawny looking" Ella told me, she was right. Before high school began, I started noticing that Cloud's body is starting to have muscles and his height is getting taller

"Sadly we're too old for them" Natalie sighed dramatically and I chuckled
"Maybe you can find a hot doctor in the hospital" I advised her and she groaned

"As if he would notice me" she mumbled and crossed her arms
"How about Jason?" Adeline suggested to her, Jason was Natalie's closest friend since her elementary days. Natalie would describe him as a dork who likes Star Wars and has a baby Yoda plushie

"I only see him as a friend" Natalie replied but Caramia gave her a puzzled look
"I think I remembered that you were kissing him after you were drinking during your graduation party, you were insanely drunk that it was hard to persuade drunk you to go home," Caramia said

Natalie shrugged "Nah, I doubt he will remember that"

I went upstairs and walked into my room to see that Aunt Laborè was nowhere to be seen
She must be with her boss right now
I nodded to myself before I changed into more comfortable clothes with an oversized grey t-shirt and wore black shortage

I put my hair up in a high ponytail right after I was finished I went down. The two were helping Dad but what Aiden and Cloud didn't notice is that they were catching a lot of eyes from women passing by our house

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