The Guy With The Golden Boy Image

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Chapter one hundred thirty-six: "The Guy With The Golden Boy Image"

I felt someone trace the side of my face with their fingertips while my eyes were closed, I am awake but I just don't want to open my eyes yet

My eyes slowly opened and the first thing I see was Cloud gazing at me with a smile on his face, he was laying down sideways with his head laying on his arm "Good Morning" he told me in a husky voice
I'd be lying if I didn't find his husky voice hot every time he wakes up

I rubbed my right eye "How long have  you been asleep?"

His initial reaction was to puff his cheeks out like a cute chipmunk "Oh so now you're worried about my sleeping schedule? You don't seem that worried when you ran away" he crossed his arms at me and gave me a cute angry look

I sat up and checked my phone to see what time it is, it was 9:32 AM

Ms. Cass told us we have an extra day with no school right after the festival so we can enjoy our free time

Two strong arms are wrapped around my waist and Cloud's chin rested on my shoulder, he was hugging me from behind "How cruel, I came all this way for you and I haven't had my good morning kiss yet" he pouted at me, the scent of mint from his mouth told me he just recently brushed his teeth

I stood up and stretched "I haven't brushed my teeth or else you'll die by my bad breath"
My sisters complained that I have the worst bad breath if I forgot to brush my teeth the night before

Since I headed to the bathroom to do my hygiene I looked myself in the mirror to see if I look ok
I'm probably sure Cloud has seen my ugly sleeping face quite often

After I did my hygiene my hand went to search for the towel that was supposed to me at the side of the sink being neatly folded

"Looking for this?" I heard Cloud's voice beside me, he was leaning at the door frame waving the towel in front of my face

I nodded in response as my hand tried to reach the towel but he slowly keeps raising his hand making it harder for me to reach it "I'm not giving this to you until you give me my good morning kiss after you dry your face with the towel"

A gasp escaped from my lips as I put both of my hands in my waist "Is the kisses from yesterday not enough?"
We were kissing each other so intensely that I almost feel myself losing control if it weren't for the fact that we might be seen in the dandelion field

"Are you complaining?" He leaned at me

"I'm not, it's just I was planning to give you a good morning kiss because you asked but since you have gone to do this kind of thing maybe I'll rethink my decision" I tried to get through the gap between him and the door frame when suddenly he blocked my path with his arm

Cloud's eyes were field with mischief once more
I miss those eyes

"Come closer Angel"
His voice sounded like an order but I don't think he even tried to make it sound like that

I took a step closer to him, he then started drying my face while humming a small happy tune
He seems to be enjoying this

Once the towel was removed from my face, I took the chance and managed to squeeze out through the small gap between him and the door. Cloud caught my wrist once we were in the bedroom

He pulled me to him, the hand that he used to hold my wrist slowly went to hold my hand
So he's been wanting affection from me, how cute

"So when are we going home?" He asked me with a small head tilt

"I think I should be staying here just until the school ends"
It was a bit hard to transfer schools so I have made a decision to just graduate here and come back home to live with Cloud

He looked so sad when he heard my decision, I tried to lift his mood by giving him a Good morning kiss like he wanted and the smile returned on his face "It will only last for 4 months" I told him

"Don't cheat on me with any guys alright?"

I shake my head "Also, there is one more thing I forgot to tell you"
He deserves to know the truth

"You see while you were not here with me, I dated Aiden since he tried to pursue me" I put a hand on his chest because it looks like he is going to be pissed off at any minute

I ran to lock the door and guarded it so he wouldn't try to get out "Aiden kissed me but there is no meaning about that kiss to me" I told him in my quickest voice

Cloud sighs deeply "I know about the situation because Wyett was my investigator but I didn't know he kissed you" his hand went to rub his face out of frustration
If I don't guard this door know he might commit murder, Anything is possible in Cloud's mind

"I'm not gonna kill him if that's what you're thinking"

My body then relaxed, he went to sit on the edge of the bed and I followed him. Cloud didn't like that I was sitting beside him so he held my hand and led me to sit on his lap while facing him

Once I was on his lap he leaned his head to rest on my chest while his arm was around my waist and the other was around my lower back

"Do you know why I hated him so much?" He asked while looking up at me from my chest, I put a hair behind my ears then said "No"

"When we were little me and Aiden would compete with each other but the last thing that we would be competing over is you before he left for Korea"

"How did you guys determine who won?" I asked and Cloud looks taken aback

"You clearly don't remember Angel?" He was so surprised in fact to the point his eyes went wide, my lips formed a thin line before giving him a sheepish smile

A low chuckle came out of him that my arm can feel since it was wrapped around his neck, I pecked his lips "I want to know"

"We were gonna try and win your favor when one day after your 4th birthday you kissed me on my cheeks which was the determiner that I've won, Aiden saw that and we fought before he left. We used to be close friends but it seems that we were immature back then, mostly me, that I became hostile to you. Hence our long time frenemy title"

While he was talking and explaining to me the sunlight that enters the room made his eyes glow in a beautiful way that I couldn't take my eyes off of him

Cloud noticed it too "Angel you've been staring at my eyes for a while" he smirked at me and I feel embarrassed that I have to look away

He made me look at him when he placed a hand under my chin "I'm not complaining, go ahead"

"The sunlight in the room made them glow, I like it" I grinned up at him

"I'll make sure when you are ready I will make you look at them while screaming my name on the bed"
I can't save his dirty mind, do I?

I smacked his forehead quickly leaving a small red spot "Don't be so horny in the morning Cloud"

Cloud kissed my cheek "I'm always horny, It's just not that obvious" his eyes went dark while gazing up at me, A small laugh escaped from my lips "How surprising coming from the guy with the Golden boy image"

"I'm a man, Angel, not a boy" he corrected me, it's true since he is almost going to turn 18 in February which is not that far

"Fine, you're a golden man. Happy?"

A hum of approval that came from him says he liked, he kissed near my ear and I gasped "I'm happy"

"It seems I was right about my hunch before" his hand went to my ear

"What is it?"

"Your ears are sensitive to touch Angel, I like it"

Author's Note:
Alright so I seem to have forgotten that they were supposed to be 17 before going to college so I changed their age

Also, I think I might not complete the 200 chapter milestone since I'm going to save their sweet moment's next book 😅😗

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