He Didn't Deserve It

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Chapter sixty-nine: "He Didn't Deserve It"

I was tailing Cloud around the penthouse as I kept trying to ask him what is this bright idea that can be a great solution to this problem, Cloud kept his mouth shut and kept his eyes glued to me all the way
I was some form of entertainment for him and it is making me feel stupid right now

Since he didn't want to explain to me I was grumbling profanity and cursing him under my breath "Did I just hear you say 'I hope you burn and Satan is your guide to hell, not the reaper himself'?" He lifted my chin as his pricing green eyes gaze down at me

"What? Do you want to hear it more clearly?" I asked him and he chuckled "How bold of you to say those stuff to your tutor"

His words made me scoff at him with the same pride he is giving off, I crossed my arms and I go "Well how bold of you to not respect your cook and pillow buddy" before prancing away with him following me this time

Cloud managed to grab and turn me around forcefully to face him "Excuse you Angel but you're living under my roof" he pointed to the ground, I leaned close to his face as I still kept that crossed arms position "And you are eating the food that I make, so that makes us equal here"

Before he could even reply to me his phone received a notification and read it out loud "We forgot about Chloe Wang's party" he told me and showed me the picture that Alice, Jane, Yara, Peter, and Will took

I shrugged "I was never that interested much anyways, I'm still a bit sick and you can't force a sick person to go to a party that's just mean"

"True but if I was here earlier I should have brought you there and left you to die" he joked and I rolled my eyes, my hand went to slap his shoulder "Being a spawn of satan must be a full-time job isn't it?" I grinned at him and said those words through my gritted teeth

He copied my grin "Well I was going for that hot spawn of satan look anyway so thanks for complimenting me, Angel" the both of us were smiling but the intent to be at each other's throats is more stronger

Blood is thicker than water as the saying goes, but my version went to lovers are strong but the intent to hit a frenemy is stronger
Well, for me I guess. It differs from person to person

We heard the father clock chime loudly "It's 10 already" I spoke out loud

"Yes I can see that" he sarcastically answered me, I went to the bedroom and locked him out. He was knocking at the door demanding to be let in "Let me in, this is my home!" He said loudly from the other side

I opened the door and gave him a sweet smile "I forgot, sorry about that. I almost forgot that this place is also the place where you suggested me to stay" I told him the facts that he needed to know, I can just pack up and walk back to my parent's home if I like

I'll just find another tutor that I can pay with the money that I can earn through piano lessons
That sounds like a great plan B
And since my parents always reminded us that if we ever have a physical fight with our future partners, they will always welcome us with open arms back to their home

Lying about the problem to your parents about a serious situation like abuse is never a great way to go and they know that since some of their friends experienced it from some of their failed marriages, they don't want their daughters to be in pain and suffer through mental and physical abuse

"You accepted it anyway but since you came here you cannot walk out without my permission" he said as he walked in and sat in the bed in a relaxed position, I closed the door and went to the closet to change the jacket into something more light because it was getting a bit too hot  "I can't leave you anyways since I will be portrayed as an evil person who leaves a sad boy like you alone"

I slammed my body on the bed and turned myself to face the ceiling, Cloud went on top of me "Boy?" He raised a brow

"What's wrong with calling you boy? Do you want to be called a girl cause I'm fine with that" I laughed a little though even though my heart was racing because he was on top of me, I pushed him off of me and accidentally caused him to fall down to my side of the bed

"A boy is called to a kid but I'm a man, Angel"

I giggled "Yeah sure, a man child that is" my giggle turned into a cackle that I have to hold my stomach, I could just imagine Cloud having a body of a man and a small head of a child the body proportion is just funny to think about it

"But I can show you that I am" he smirked at me while he is still on the floor, he tried to get closer to me but I managed to crawl myself away from him by being at the foot of the bed "If you try to make a move on me you are not gonna get far" I informed him

Try as I might but he still wouldn't try to stop doing his best to catch me, soon we were running around the bedroom. I'm trying my best to not be caught by him by throwing pillows at him. We soon got into a pillow fight that some feathers that were inside of the pillows started to come out as I hit Cloud with one

We were making a lot of mess in the room but we didn't care, I was the first who got tired of getting chased like a wild goose. I used the chair to balance myself because getting tired will make me dizzy a bit

He took long strides from across the room to me in a matter of seconds and didn't hesitate to carry me in his arms and lay me down on the bed
Isn't he tired from carrying me?

I peeked at his face and I see no sign of displeasure that he had carried me, for a weird assumption I'm gonna make. He seems happy and enjoying himself quite a lot

A sudden memory just appeared in my brain, the memory where Cloud hates his Dad so much that he didn't even try to hide it. If I know Cloud even just a little, I know that even if he hates the person he will do his best to play along for the sake of his Golden boy reputation but when it comes to his Dad. He won't hesitate to show his true feelings about it

There was one time where I see him drink a lot of alcohol with tears in his eyes, he was in his car at that time that is parked beside the meadow that was near to an elementary school acquaintance of mine. He yelled loudly which startled me and he started to sob
At that time, even getting close to him made me cringe at myself because this was before he suggested about our deal to me. I don't know what he was going through at that time but something in me felt a strong urge to comfort him once I saw his sad eyes

I was brought back to reality again breaking me away from my thoughts because Cloud was shaking me and asking if I was alright "You were so lost in thoughts that you didn't respond to me"

He was puzzled at me but a smile was still formed on his lips
Everything he went through, he didn't deserve it

He was puzzled at me but a smile was still formed on his lips Everything he went through, he didn't deserve it

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