I Went Full-Blown Angry French Woman At Him

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Chapter thirty: "I Went Full-Blown Angry French Woman At Him"

Cloud looked down at me "I told you to stay away from him" I pulled my arm forcefully so he could let me go

I close my eyes and sighed trying to keep my composure "you both are ridiculous one way or another" I replied to him when I leaned close to his ear

I left both of them in the hallway
Fight all they want I don't care

I met up with Yara who was leaning at her locker and was reading the same novel as yesterday "morning" she grinned at me, I forced a fake genuine smile on her. I don't want to be rude but I don't have the right emotion to smile right now

"There is something on your mind is it?" She closed the book and stuffed it in her locker, I leaned at the locker next to hers and I nodded slowly

"It's Cloud and Aiden they're both so.." I was having a hard time finding the right words to say about them

"Hot" she said to end my sentence
"No that's not the word I'm looking for because if I agree to that I won't hear the end of Cloud's big ego boasting about his great genetics since he won the genetic lottery along with Aiden"

She snorted and leaned at her side to face me, her skin was shining
I just really want to know her skincare, her skin is just glowing

"So what word are you even looking for then?"

I thought to myself and said it out loud "immature"

She bit her lip trying to stifle her giggle "in your eyes they are but in the other eyes of ladies they are strong, smart and independent men"

I rolled my eyes at the way Yara complimented them "yeah sure, I'll just pretend they were not like the way you described them"

"But seriously Penelope what got you so stressed this early in the morning? The first period doesn't start for another hour" she looked at her watch and the time on her phone

"Cloud told me to stay away from Aiden and Aiden is not listening to me like Cloud" either way even if I stay with Aiden it would be hard

Yara added a new gloss to her lips and stopped when she heard what Cloud told me to do "he told you to stay away from him?"

"Yeah I know it's strange, they were close as heck back in preschool but now it looks like every time they meet it's like there is going to be a war that will occur anytime" okay, maybe I exaggerated a bit but it was almost like that

Yara puts on a thinking face and was playing with the strap of her bag "He must have fought with him without your knowledge" she pointed to me

"Well I didn't go to the airport to say goodbye to him since me and three of my sisters were in the hospital getting stitched up since we cut our knees on the rock after we ran around at the playground that was at the time has random rocks that we would just stumble on"

"That must be it! They must have fought in the airport" she told me like she solved the clue

"But the problem is I don't know what they fought about" I raised both of my hands a bit like an "I give up" sign

We heard Alice calling out to us excitedly but more specifically to Yara "I've never seen you so excited in the morning" I said to Alice and she pulled me and Yara close like a huddle

She looked around at the hallway that was has a few students putting their bags in their lockers but we're very far from us "You guys better not tell this to anyone"

Me and Yara both nodded eagerly awaiting what Alice has to say to us "remember Mary Rose's pool party?" She asked us

"I remember that she invited me but I know that the party would be only be filled with horny teenagers" Yara explained to us

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