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Chapter one hundred sixteen: "Helmet"

Hair that was like the sun and Honey brown eyes that made any girl get lost in, it was Aiden Elliot

Future rising star and the handsome face that was on par with Cloud Marshall, my childhood best friend who is always concerned about me when he found out the deal between me and Cloud

And now my seatmate in a new high school

Every student in the classroom was curious who he was, Daisy's eyes look like she has seen a once-in-a-lifetime moment. I think I saw a tear fall from one eye
Tears of joy?
Well, I did know she likes Aiden as a rising star

Aiden was not falling behind in terms of grades or in physical education, his favorite hobby is playing the guitar. Whenever you see him alone there would always be a guitar in his hands

"I'm Aiden Elliot and I play the guitar"
Aiden you're not fooling anyone, they know who you are from just a glance

They all clapped for him
Hey! nobody gave me a clap after my introduction

He sat beside me and gave me a grin "Good morning Pip"

"Aiden what are you doing here?"

"Following you"
Following me? Why would he do that? Just the effort to move here is hard so when did he even move here!?

I could not ask him more since the teacher started her lecture but there is one thing I know for sure, people at home would get suspicious why Aiden moved schools so suddenly


It was recess and I was pulled to the cafeteria by Mira and Daisy with Aiden following us from behind with both hands in his pockets, we were garnering a lot of attention once we step foot in the cafeteria

I saw Max instantly at a table full of guys in jerseys, he raised his hand and called us "Mira, Daisy, and Mia. Over here!"

Mira and Daisy went instantly to their table but I couldn't leave Aiden alone, I grabbed Aiden's wrist and pulled him far away from the cafeteria and into a private place "What are you doing here and how did you know it was me?!" I whisper yell at him

He cleared his throat a little before he gave me an explanation "First of all, I followed you cause I know you hate being alone, and second of all we are best friends since childhood so what kind of childhood friends won't recognize the person they grew up with?"

"But how did you move here so quickly?" I sat at the bench with the view of the sea behind me

"Pip I can make demands to my agency if I want because I already told them I will hold my first concert here, I did kind of tire out my manager a bit from my request" he made a small smile
That poor manager

I was touched he went this far so he would accompany me and I wouldn't feel alone, now that I think about it I have never spent much time with Aiden because Cloud would stop me before I do

"Why didn't you go with your friends to the table?" He crossed his arms then leaned his back at the wall, Aiden gave me a puzzled look

"I can't leave you all alone after the reckless decision you made by coming here"

"Look who's talking about being reckless" he chuckles, I gave him a pout

Aiden walked up to me and I have to look up at him since he was now close and I was sitting on the bench, he gave out his hand for me and I accept it so he could pull me up. When I did stand up and he didn't let go of my hand but he kissed the back of it which made my eyes go wide

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