Goodbye Kiss

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Chapter one hundred twenty-six: "Goodbye Kiss"

Soon after I was given the music notes we started playing the piece, Aiden helped out a little since he told us that the song felt a little off. Of course, I saw that everyone was a fan of Aiden and was listening to his every word like he was preaching

I noticed that Evan was the most amazing violinist the school orchestra has that is why when he heard about me his mood was sour, after classes ended and I was on my way to the next class I heard someone calling out to me

"Hey Mia" it sounded like Evan' voice and I was right when I saw him leaning at one of the lockers with one hand holding his violin case

I gave him the cold look "Evan"
This guy gave me a hard time and I hate it

He looks aware as to why I was giving him the cold look, he gave me a small bow "Sorry"

The sudden small bow and apology he made caught me off guard "Hey what are you-" "I recognize people with talent, I hate people who only get a free pass because they are good at something that is not even related to music"
This fucker is not even letting me finish my sentence but at least he apologized

When he played the violin I can tell he played it with his whole heart and soul, the girl who helped me before that was named Tiffany told me that Evan was a violin prodigy so he was used to getting the most attention
I know one person who hates losing attention and no it's not Diana the dramatic at my old school, it was the guy who is planning to tear down one city after another in search of me

When Aiden has my attention he kept trying to shift it to him
He was almost like a cute angry pup that needed attention

Here we are again remembering Cloud, just when I was about to not remember him for a day

Me and Evan stared at each other "Just accept the fact that there are others like you Evan, you're not a special cookie"

"I did recognize my haughtiness to you and I feel ashamed of it, it taints my honor as a violinist"
So we're talking about honor now, this guy is so old school

I was still pretty pissed at him so I ignored him and walked straight to my next class
Cloud is a golden child but I don't see him act all haughty when he meets another golden child

What a petty excuse to cover up jealousy, people can lose confidence because of it


I was eating lunch and waited for my group to come back after they said they were going to buy lunch, Even walked in with the other orchestra members and we made eye contact

My first reaction was to flare him before looking away, he destroyed my mood that I was stabbing my food with the fork in my hand

"Pip are you planning to commit murder?" Aiden asked as he sat beside me while putting down his tray of food

"Evan annoys me, he gave me a hard time" I grumbled then shove the mac and cheese in my mouth

"Calm down, it'll pass he will learn from his mistake" he handed me a popsicle

I might have been a bit overreacting, the open space in the school orchestra is a coveted spot so I think he was acting logically
As if I'll think that about him what a load of bullshit

Max and Daisy came back with Mira holding a bowl full of salad that was dressed in ranch

"What's got her into a bad mood?" Mira pointed her fork at me while facing Aiden, she took a bite of her salad

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