Emo Kid

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Chapter nine: "Emo Kid"

It was the next day and I was woken up with someone's loud knocking at my bedroom door, Aunt Laborè was shuffling a little beside me from the noise and I have to get up to answer it

I groaned in frustration since it was the weekend's right now and it was my chance to sleep properly because school always start early in the morning to ruin our weekdays. I rolled out of bed and I crawled to the door with my eye mask on

I memorized every inch of my room, so with an eye mask I already mastered to where each door location is, My hand touch the cold doorknob because of the AC and I open the door.
"Wendy why? Just why?" I assumed the person at the door is Wendy because she is the first person that comes to my mind, last weekend she was the one waking me up so I could watch her basketball team competition

Take note I was still wearing my eye mask so imagine my surprise when I heard a deep voice answer me
"Morning Sleepy"

I was still very sleepy and I did not have much time to react to what's happening at the moment, my hand reached to remove my eye mask and then suddenly the sunlight in my room just decided to blind me. I have to blink and rub my eyes to regain my vision, the moment I finished rubbing my eyes and look at the person who decided to ruin my weekend.
"Cloud what are you doing here?"

He was not wearing his usual preppy schoolboy style outfit but a bad boy style one, his black t-shirt, black pants, and the most well-known signature bad boy piece of clothing, the leather jacket.
"What the hell is wrong with your style? You look like an emo kid dude" I told him, I am not lying though

He is still radiating too much confidence in his outfit choice that we might think that we are in the wrong in styling ourselves
"Yeah and you look like you came back from the dead with that face and hair of yours" he scoffed at me

I look to the mirror beside my door, my bed hair is a disaster, there might be a mark of my drool and my eyes looked dead inside. Oh wait that's normal
"As if I haven't noticed, I wouldn't go out looking like this but you did with yours" I retorted

"So what do you want from me that you have to knock on the door so loudly?" I asked him as I lean at the door frame and crossed my arms, I hear loud footsteps going up the stairs to surprise me.
"Hey Gorgeous" Nick walked up to us with a huge smile on his face.

I yawned "You too handsome"
"Hey you never call me handsome" Cloud put his hand to the door frame that I was leaning on

"Because you don't" I told him but I am truly lying to myself, he is too handsome
Of course, he is a model you dumbass

With a family like the Marshalls, I guess anything is possible for them. There was another pair of footsteps I heard coming and I was greeted with Yara waving food at my face
"I know you wouldn't get out of your room on a day like today, so I brought peace offering" she joked, she was wearing an off-shoulder tank top and shorts that show off her long legs

I accepted the food of course because I love free food especially early in the morning
"So where are we going exactly? because from the way you guys dress it looks like anywhere but going school"

"Yeah, Yara decided to call us to go to a book fair that is in town right now" Nick excitedly told me, he leaned in to whisper something in my ear "This place is a heaven for guys like me" he smirked

I was confused at first but then I noticed it, Ella came out from her room in a tank top and underwear only.
I ran as fast as I could to get my bathrobe and cover her with it, she looked at me all confused
"Just listen to me sis" I said then pushed her into her room and immediately closed her bedroom door, as soon as I close the door another door opened and it was Natalie this time that came out wearing a nightgown that leaves your imagination to run wild

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