Mild Fever

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Chapter fifty-three: "Mild Fever"

I knocked before I opened the door to see Nick was sitting in a guest bedroom as he was skimming through a book that he wrote then he switched his attention to his MacBook that was laying on his lap

He raised his head and dropped the book beside the laptop "Hey Angel" he showed me a smile, if I didn't know what Nick does in his past time I might have fallen for him. I'm not saying his writing past time the one I'm mentioning is his habit of sleeping with many women
Not that it's not my problem anyway

The room only contained one bed and a drawer since I could only assume that Cloud doesn't like to have a guest sleepover, it was hard to form a conversation if I am going to ask about Cloud's past. I rubbed one arm and closed the door while entering the room

"Hey, Nick do you have any clue why Cloud is afraid of thunder?"

His hand went to his chin and the other hand was used to lean himself on the bed "I could tell you but it's very sad"

"I can listen, my entire life is a sad story anyway" I shrugged then wrinkle my nose in the process, it's not that I say my life is purely sad I just find it sad

He propped himself up with a pillow and started the story "Cloud he... lost his elder sister when the car fell off the road, they stayed at the hillside and no one came to help after 2 hours later. She could have been saved if there were people who helped but it was Stormy so many people who drove by couldn't see them due to the rain and the dark clouds"
Wait, Cloud has an elder sister?

"When did that happen?" I lifted my one leg close to my chest and leaned my head on my knee, I was facing Nick as he looks at the beaded bracelet he wore on his wrist he kept twisting one bead between his finger

"That is the part where I don't know about, he didn't tell me when that happen" he ducked his head on the pillow, I saw that he was wearing a dinosaur onesie with the dinosaur head as the hoodie is off

"Penelope I know that Cloud looks like a stuck up egotistical jerk to you cause he is"

I snorted at his description of his best friend

"But listen when I tell you that he cares about everyone around him he just doesn't like to show it cause of his pride" he added before going back to look at his laptop and being a busy author he is


A few hours passed by and everybody fell asleep, I'm not sure if Cloud is asleep though cause after I left the bedroom I haven't taken a step inside for the past hour. I did my best to open the door without making any creaking noise and poked my head inside to search for him, he was surprisingly asleep and it was a bit odd for me to see him sleep even if 10 PM hasn't even arrived yet

My sudden urge to touch his forehead made me do it and thank goodness that I did it because I found out that Cloud has a mild fever and he was breathing heavily under 2 duvets that cover his entire body, I took a thermometer and I was right so I searched for the medicine kit around the penthouse

It took me a while since the place was really big that I have to go in and in every room that was in this place, the medicine kit was hidden behind the mirror of the library bathroom and I searched for the medicine he needed. Being the person I am, the Mom in me made me make porridge for that guy and I even go the extra mile to warm the water to pour it in a small basin to dunk the handkerchief in just so he could use it to wash himself in hopes to lower the temperature of his body

I went back to the bedroom and patted him gently to wake up, he groaned a few times before finally opening his eyes to look at the porridge that was laid on the bedside desk. I use the back of my hand to check the temperature at his neck and the fever seems to be getting higher

He was puzzled as he squinted his eyes at me in the dimly lit bedroom "wha-" he was about to finish the word when suddenly one of his hands went to his temple

"You are sick that must be a headache so we need to treat you, eat this first" I helped him sit up on the bed and laid his back at the headboard
With small sleep and a phobia of thunderstorms, this must be a terrible day for him cause he even got sick too

His head was looking down at the porridge and shaked his head as he try to go back to sleep, I stopped him with my hand on his forearm "at least a few bites before you could eat your medicine" I tried to tell him but he wouldn't want to do it because of the headache

I closed my eyes then sighed deeply before I forced him to sit up again and I held the bowl in my hand with the spoon in the other, he groaned again at the headache as his face shows great pain. I blew the porridge that was on the spoon before holding it in front of his mouth

He looked at me funny "What am I? 9?" He joked lightly before going back to the face he had when he is in pain

My lips formed a thin line of annoyance but I replied to his joke anyway "Listen, I did not signup for this but I can't have my tutor getting sick on me so you better eat" I raised it a bit so he could see the porridge on the spoon

"Just a few spoonfuls so you could eat your medicine, please?" I asked him nicely and he obliged by my request so he leaned forward to eat the porridge

He only ate 10 spoonfuls of porridge but that is enough for me to hand him the medicine and the glass of water, after he drank the medicine I went to get the towel that was in the basin filled with warm water and squeezed it before giving it to Cloud. He first used it on his face then gave it to me for another dunk and squeeze in the basin for his arms

After he finished his arms and the front of his torso, he gave the towel to me and he turned his back making me see his broad shoulders and back
He can't reach his back

I cleaned his back and he relaxed the moment the warm towel touched his shoulders, it took me a few minutes to clean his back but I was glad I did it quickly because the sight of him being shirtless in front of me is making my face flush so I carried the basin And walked out of the bedroom to go to the bathroom and pour the dirty water at the sink

Stepping back into the bedroom I went into the closet to find his jacket and since he was not that organized in arranging his jaw-dropping amount of clothes in this enormous closet it took me almost 20 minutes to find all of his jackets locations, I chose a thick cotton jacket for him before going out and handing it to him who was done wearing his shirt

Stepping back into the bedroom I went into the closet to find his jacket and since he was not that organized in arranging his jaw-dropping amount of clothes in this enormous closet it took me almost 20 minutes to find all of his jackets locations,...

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