Green Tea

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Chapter one hundred twenty: "Green Tea"

Aiden walked me back to Daisy's home and told me goodnight before running back to his house
A student at day and a busy bee that is a star at night

That must be tiring but he loves his work and music, like Cloud who loves to study Astronomy his passion was music

"So what did the two of you do in his home?" Daisy wiggled her eyebrows at me when I entered my room, I found her sitting on my bed reading a comic book

"You're expecting something dirty to happen do you?" I removed my jacket and hung it up on the hook that is placed behind the door

She sighs dramatically "Can't a girl's imagination run wild? You can't expect my brain to be pure, do you?" One brow was raised while she gave me a wry smile

Just like Yara, Daisy also has a search history that was meant to be destroyed if anything happens to her but she didn't mind her parents knowing it

They only said "No college diploma no grandbaby"
Those few words says it all

I rolled my eyes "If I have a drinking bottle and went to church, I'm gonna give you holy water as your water from now on"
Maybe it will wash away your dirty mind

I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face, I felt Daisy standing beside me "Hey Penelope one question"

My hand went to grab a towel to dry my face before facing her "hm?"

"If you were to choose either between Cloud and Aiden, who would you choose in the end?"

Her question made me stand there feeling speechless "I..."
If fate permits I would choose Cloud but in the end, I know our relationship would end anyway, I'm not gonna treat Aiden as a second option

I'm waiting when the right time comes if I can accept Aiden and not feel bad about it anymore

She shakes her head "You know what? I might have overstepped my boundaries, sorry you can or not answer my question if you like"

I nodded at her before entering back into the bedroom and threw myself on the bed "It sure is tiring to go to work after school and it's only my first day"

Daisy also threw herself on the bed beside me, making me jump a little from the force "Yeah I know, also there is a neighborhood dog that runs after strangers. We tend to warn tourist about it"

"So where is that dog located?"

She shrugged at me "I dunno, that dog just walks around wherever it pleases. If he is not familiar with you he will start running after you while barking" she giggled

I went to my luggage and grabbed my laptop to watch some videos on the internet with Daisy, 15 minutes have already passed and I can hear her yawning loudly before she stood up and walked back to her bedroom as she closed the door on her way out

The video we were watching ended and I was supposed to shut down my laptop when I suddenly my photo gallery, I clicked on the file and it shows a lot of pictures I have taken over the years

I opened the picture where it was only me, Cloud, Alice, Will, and Jane

Then I opened another picture of my family all together, my finger went to touch the screen and gazed at the happy faces that were captured by the camera
I miss you all

I felt a tear run down my cheek and fall on my lap
How weird, I was only supposed to have to wipe away one tear but why do more tears keep coming down?

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