My Eyes It Hurts!

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Chapter forty-two: "My Eyes It Hurts!"

The route that Cloud took looks different to me since I know where the penthouse is
"Where are we going?"

"Benjamin's swimming competition" Cloud answered as his eyes were glued to the road, Nick was fast asleep at the back of the car with his mouth half open and his entire body has taken up the entire backseat

I took a pic of Nick being asleep as I snickered "Nick told me that you guys met at a train station and you were borrowing money from him" I mentioned to Cloud which caught his attention

"I heard him telling you, I was there Angel"

I nodded and shoved the phone back into my pocket
"It's a long story, I'll tell you someday" he told me, it sounds like there is more to the story that they met at a train station

We were getting closer to an elementary school and not just any normal elementary school, it is a private elementary school that has a reputation for having the most expensive tuition fees but the benefits of graduating from this school is a lot

For example, you could easily get into any high school of your choice that is also private and you could even have a scholarship when you get into an ivy league school. The elementary school was living up to its name as one of the most beautiful architecture in this place
Well, what do you expect? Being rich is different

Many parents of the elementary students came out of their luxury cars and hurriedly ran inside the school with their cameras at hand, some even hired a professional photographer for a swimming competition

"I heard that Sophia hired a photographer too" Nick nudged Cloud's arm with his as they both looked at many photographers running with the parents in the school

"Yeah she hired our family photographer named Diaz" he answered and put a hand behind my back to make me walk because I was frozen in place from being so overwhelmed by an elementary school building

The hallways were even more different than the outside it made the elementary school look more prestigious, I felt like with both of my Mom and Dad's salary combined, they still can't afford a child to enroll here because that is how expensive it is

"This school was built here a long time ago which makes me wonder why aren't you learning here instead of going to a community elementary school" Nick let out as he checked each and every classroom that we are walking by

Me and Cloud separated after preschool and didn't meet again before the first year of high school so hearing Nick say that made me ask Cloud too "Why are you in a community elementary school?"

Cloud shrugged "Dunno just felt like wanting to do it, Private schools have too many rules"

I replied with "But most of the colleges that have the best education to becoming a Scientist are all private"

"That is when I am going to college, so for now I am enjoying my freedom because I won't have much time after I finished high school" Cloud's hand reached for the double doors and opened them, I could hear very loud cheering of many people and camera flashes everywhere
Oh My God, they made it look like an Olympics with many photographers left and right

There was a whole row with the entire Marshall siblings are sitting together on along with Sophia who is also holding a camera beside the photographer who has tan skin and long hair that is tied up into a low ponytail with a bowler hat on

"Your Dad didn't come" I whispered to Cloud beside me and his eyes flickered a bit with his dark eyes

"He doesn't care about this type of stuff, c'mon" we went to the last row and sat with Oliver and Mason the inc their bodies from the waist up to look at us

"Penelope you're here!" Mason said excitedly, Oliver waved hi to me

"Why haven't Adeline visited us?" Oliver asked me, I don't remember that we can visit anytime at the palace

"I guess you haven't told us that we could visit, maybe you guys could visit Adeline instead, she must be busy playing games or studying at home"

The twins nodded at each other then thanked me, Sophie saw me so she flashed me with a lovely smile and with her quick hands she snapped a photo of me. I was as unprepared.

I pulled a pocket mirror from the side of my bag and tried to take a sneak peek at what I looked like at the moment, from the mirror I can see Cloud looking at me from the reflection so Instantly shoved it back in as I cleared my throat
"You didn't see anything" I spoke to him and he chuckled

"Alright I didn't see you looking at the pocket mirror and being conscious since Mom took a photo of you without you being prepared for it"
Does he have to say it out loud!?

I crinkle my nose and gave him a glare, that didn't bother him whatsoever. Noah gave me a wave from beside Mason

There was a loud horn sound and everybody looked at the enormous screen that is at the other side of the pool, there were pictures of all the swimmers with Benjamin being number 12

Sophia cheered loudly "Go Benji!!"
Which made the other parents cheer for their child even more louder, the doors open and the children walked out. Camera flashes were everywhere

"My eyes it hurts!" Nick complained as he covered his eyes with one hand

"Tell me about it, there are more camera flashes here than mine or even Cloud's photoshoot combined" Liam groaned as he rubbed one of his eyes

He has the same hair as Cloud's but his eyes are Silver
"Ha! You haven't even been with Dad when we went out, the paparazzi flashes are blinding that I almost tripped at a beer can that was on the sidewalk" Dustin remarked to Liam

"Has anybody seen Benji?" Oliver asked all of us, all of the children are lined up but Benji was missing

When all of a sudden Benji ran out from the double doors and quickly lined up with the others, his eyes went wide when he spotted us so he waved his hands, wait, not only hands but his entire arm at us

Sophia and the photographer were snapping a lot of pictures of Benjamin like it's neverending, Cloud sighed with relief when he saw him run out

Nick got bored a bit from waiting because there was a long speech that was given by the principal before the competition starts, his fingers started swiping from the candy crush game
"Does he always have to give a speech!?" Mason whisper yelled which made Oliver smack him lightly at the back of his head

"Maybe you should've stayed at home then" Oliver replied to his twin brother who is now slouched at his seat with boredom, I hide my smile at how similar me and Mason are when we get bored

So I tapped Mason's shoulder then he looked at me, I pulled out the book that I purchased from the book fair the "Ways to be stupid yet smart" book

"Any book would be fine" he whispered then stood up from his seat and squeezed himself between me and Cloud becoming our barrier which made me happy, Cloud although was not too pleased that his brother was between us
Which means he wouldn't disturb me for the whole reading as we wait for the speech to finish

I held the book between me and Mason so we started reading, Cloud also got bored that he is now checking his phone and watching whatever it is on Youtube

I held the book between me and Mason so we started reading, Cloud also got bored that he is now checking his phone and watching whatever it is on Youtube

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