Plant Box

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Chapter seventy-eight: "Plant Box"

I sighed "Yes I am"

He bit his lip a little then smiled to himself, he gave out a breath of relief "Good" he murmured

"I was only getting ready for the. reunion" I walked up to him "Will you be alright by yourself?" I asked

"I'll be alright cause I won't be by myself during those 2 weeks"

"What do you mean you won't be by yourself?" I asked and then it hit me, he is going to hang out with other girls while I'm gone. There is something in me that has a problem with that though but I won't say it to his face

He grinned at me cheekily "I'm going to have a great time" he boasted

"Yeah you better cause I won't come back seeing you crying again" I teased him but I didn't take his situation lightly, for a guy who has an exterior like he is just fun and outgoing has a depressive emotion hidden within that facade. I was about to step out when suddenly Cloud blocked my way with his arm "You don't care?"

I raised a brow at him "Why do I care? You always flirt with girls anyway. Just don't show it to Alice or else she might accuse you of cheating on me" I chuckled and ducked his arm to walkout

"Excuse you but I don't cheat, I have morals!" He said loudly from the inside of the walk-in closet, I sat back on the seat and continued studying. Cloud's studying habits are rubbing off on me because he would tend to tap his index finger when he is trying to understand a math equation and I was doing the exact same thing

I just noticed it when Cloud pointed it out, I was astonished at how much a person's habits can rub on you when you live with them. There is also my habit where I tend to put flower bookmarks that I bought online in everything I read, turns out Cloud has acquired that habit and all of the blue flower bookmarks that I have is now gone because he is using it

He was reading a light novel and I could see the blue flower bookmark hanging on one of the pages, we heard a door creak and we look up to see Noah who has messy bed hair step out of the guestroom to get a glass of water. He yawned loudly and drank the glass of cold water in one gulp before slowly walking back to the guest bedroom

Cloud got bored so he went to the terrace and started looking through the telescope, he was busy looking at the stars while he is talking to himself as he names the stars he was seeing. I put the book down and rested my chin on top of my hand, the atmosphere was cozy it was a cold night but the feeling that I get in staying here is always cozy
It's as if I am still at home

The clear night sky showed thousands of stars that are just waiting to be admired and the little lights made by the buildings and the cars that drive below are not missing out on the beauty of the night. There is just something about the night that makes it more comfortable than the day, maybe it's the feeling that the entire world is asleep and you could be in your peace of mind or maybe it's the time where you could actually be yourself for a change of the fake you that you put up for other people

The entire penthouse is dimly lighted and the desk lamp that I am using is the only thing that is bright enough to use for me to study, my fingertips slowly went to the lamp switch to turn it off and the living room is now entirely dimly lighted. I stood up from the faux fur rug where the coffee table is on and I walked slowly to the terrace to stand beside Cloud who was still occupated in watching the stars through his telescope

It was not completely quiet once I stepped out of the living room and into the terrace, I could hear the cars below with their loud engines and car honks. It was not that loud since we were so high up, it was just like that small sound a fly would make when it passes your ear. The moon was very bright as it should be, it helps in lighting the forest that is far away from the city

The view up in the penthouse helps me see the forest near the suburban area which is where I live with my family, once I leave for next week's reunion I would only get to see mountains and the vast green field of the countryside. It would be far away from here and I don't think I would like the idea of a long road trip since I'm not into sitting in the car for too long since my butt will hurt

I wandered around the terrace to find a long rectangular place to put plants on, it was only filled with rocks and pebble but no plants

"Hey Cloud, can I plant flowers here?" I pointed my index finger to the location of the plant box

Cloud stopped looking through the telescope and shifted his attention to me, his forest green eyes that glow with the lights of the city and it is making them shine like the stars up in the sky. He looked to where I was pointing and nodded his head "Sure, I don't really like planting anyway"

I was now starting to plan what kind of plant I could plant in this place, flowers would bring a pop of color to this place. The entire penthouse is industrial themed and there are no signs of plants anywhere, I did design the corner of the penthouse and I did it pretty well considering I chose the colors that would complement the overall color theme of the penthouse

I bent my knees and touched the pebbles that were in the plant box
I could use this to design the plant box

There was a presence behind me; a domineering presence in fact. I tilted my head up to see Cloud looking down at me, he has both of his hands in his pockets "So what flowers are you gonna plant in the box Angel?" He asked me softly, he removed one hand in his pocket and his fingers started playing with the tips of my hair

I put up a thinking face "I want to plant sunflowers here, it would make a cute pop of color" I grinned up at him, he made a small hum of approval "That sounds nice, there is paint in the room to the far left you could use it to paint the plant box"

His gaze made me feel something inside but I don't know what it is "After the two-week reunion I think Nick is going to Spain"

I tilted my head and sat on the cold wooden floor of the terrace, I was in a crossed-legged sitting position "I suppose that is nothing new to him since he is a famous writer and getting inspiration means you have to travel to have it"
I wonder what it feels like going to Spain, I haven't traveled anywhere by plane before so I don't know

My alarm for us to sleep rang and I stood up from the wooden floor and dusted my clothes before entering the penthouse again, we both hopped on the bed and tried to get comfortable. No matter how many times I sleep with Cloud the feeling of sleeping with someone who is not my relative is still so foreign to me

His scent, his face, and even the way he sleeps I memorized it like the back of my hand the longer I stayed beside him. These days he is been getting I think a small decent amount of sleep, well, 4-5 hours of sleep is decent I think

There were even times that I caught him up all night and he didn't even get a wink of sleep that I have scolded him a lot for the next day

There were even times that I caught him up all night and he didn't even get a wink of sleep that I have scolded him a lot for the next day

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