What's A Dudette?

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Chapter forty-one: "What's A Dudette?"

"Hey Penelope" Carlo called out to me then I turned my head to look at him because I was staring at the cute puppies that are walking with their owner in front of the school


"I heard from Efren that you yelled at Mr Mckinny in French during History class" Carlo told me, word spread fast

I gave him a sheepish smile and shrugged it off not wanting to not answer his question, Mark was sure that I could speak French because he gave me the "The I know you can speak French so spill" look

"If I tell you both can you guys shut it?" I asked them in a sweet tone with a hint of a threat of they could catch on with what I am saying, they both nodded eagerly
Ha! As if

I leaned in and they both leaned in too, I pinched both of their ears and they pulled away immediately holding their ear that is now in pain

"Alright I won't ask you again, you might curse at us in French" Mark gave up along with Carlo, the sun was setting so the sky is now in a lovely orange colour as the clouds slowly move. I heard the grass crunch as someone was walking up behind me

I looked at the shadow that was next to mine and I can tell who the person is right away

"If you are going to do something stupid I won't hesitate to stab your knee with my triangle ruler Cloud" I said as I looked at the shadow

"You caught me but don't threaten to stab my knee I need it to model you know" he sat beside me and I moved an inch away from him

"So what are you guys talking about?" He asked Carlo and he pointed to me as he explained what happened

"You can speak French? That's a first" he smirked at me and I rolled my eyes, at a far distance I can see Steven's body walking up to us and his face in a sullen mood. Both Mark and Carlo speed ran to him and asked what happened

Steven rubbed his temple "I will be doing double the homework that the teachers will give" his face was showing like the world is ending, his world is ending

"Sorry Steven" I apologized to him and he shook his head at me

"It's not your fault dudette, the shoot you made was cool so I tried to copy it" he shrugged his arms

"What's a Dudette?" I asked Cloud

"It's a girl version of a dude, a made-up slang" I heard Nick's voice at my left side which made me yelp out in surprise

Nick put an arm around me "I must say, Penelope, the shoot you made during PE was cool" he gave me a thumbs-up sign

Cloud looks like he is still left confused "wait so what did she do?" He asked Mark who gladly told him

"She threw a basketball at the hoop with her back turned"

"The ball going into the hoop was unintentional though" I added hoping he might not get any ideas of annoying me

"Being unintentional makes it all the cooler" Steven defended as he pulled out a small notepad and a ballpen from his bag and gave it to me

"I want your autograph" he said and I thought he was joking at first but the look in his eyes was giving me signs that he was serious, I pointed to Steven and looked at Mark

"Is this for real?"

Mark nodded in reply "He does that when someone does a cool thing just like that time he asked Chloe Wang to give him her autograph because she managed to stack a lot of cards in under 5 minutes during recess time"

"Chloe Wang? You mean that girl who is friends with Diana the Dramatic?" I asked

"Wow, I never knew there was a girl that was nicknamed Diana the Dramatic" Nick snickered as he sat on the grass, his face was full of sweat like he ran a marathon

I pulled out a small towel from my bag and gave it to him, he gladly accepted it and wiped his face with my towel
"Why are you so sweaty?" I sat in front of him who is now lying on the grass and looking up at the sky

"I just joined the football team for one game" he nonchalantly told us

"Wait, did the team ask you to try out?" Cloud looked down at Nick who is beside his feet

Nick shaked his head "I didn't want to join, I have more things to worry about and football is not going to be added on my list" he took Cloud's bag that was just laying on the ground beside Nick and he pulled out a battery-powered hand fan

"I could never even imagine what Coach Dracula's face when he declined" Steven laughed

Coach Dracula, a nickname that we gave to our teacher, Mr Alucard. We just need to reverse the name to get it and he was so into giving the football team harsh practice and workouts

When me and Alice were having a slumber party in Jane's home he came back at 7 PM all sweaty and he looks like he was about to faint that day, you don't need to ask the football team if they're tired since the stressed look on their faces says it all

There was once a guy who fainted on the day of the football team that will compete with the other schools, he left the football team after he came back from the hospital. So seeing the guys with muscular bodies is no longer a surprise when they sometimes take their shirt off when it is getting hot outside

Heck, almost all of them are now tan since they've been playing under the sun for too long

We said our goodbye's to each other and went our separate ways to go home, I walked to the parking lot with Cloud and Nick when all of a sudden, Nick decided it would be a great idea that he would drive this time

The look of horror on Cloud's face was priceless, I've seen Cloud love his car more than his family. Literally.

He wouldn't even let his siblings except for Benjamin to be in It because there was one time I saw it as I was going home and I saw Cloud with Benjamin inside his car passing by me who was walking at the sidewalk that time, so Cloud ran as fast as he could to his car and Nick was running alongside him to reach the driver's seat

Nick shoved Cloud which cause him to stop to maintain his balance and ran again to catch up to Nick, Cloud removed his bag and threw it at the side of Nick's head causing it to block his vision

Cloud took the opportunity and finally grab the handle of the driver's seat car, he gave both of us his proud smile like he won the lottery

"Oh c'mon dude I just wanted to drive it" Nick walked close to Cloud

"Like hell I would, your Mercedes is all scratched up because you were so drunk after a party" Cloud shuddered at the thought of Nick will scratch up his car, to be honest, I think I would agree with Cloud

Letting a person who has a history of being reckless by letting them borrow your stuff is not going to end well for the both of you and them, I patted Nick's back and gave him an understanding look

He pouted and hopped in at the backseat of the car then slam the door shut, Cloud happily got in and I went in last

Nick crossed his arms like a little kid as he looked out the window

Nick crossed his arms like a little kid as he looked out the window

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