Yellow Hibiscus

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Chapter one hundred twenty-seven: "Yellow Hibiscus"

The ride ended and so does our deal

Me and Aiden stepped out of the Ferris wheel cart and went home together in silence, it was not awkward but it was peaceful
It felt like we have finally understood each other

Aiden had a smile but his eyes doesn't show happiness, I still remembered the words he told me

I love you Pip

His confession was what made me almost accept him but I held myself back for Cloud, the silence between us was replaced by the sound of the sea and the crunch of the sand beneath our feet

"There is also one thing I haven't told you yet" Aiden spoke all of a sudden which shifted my attention from the sea to his face

When he was about to say it Wyett came looking for us, he appeared behind me and was running towards us. There was sweat trickling down his forehead as his chest rise and fall from trying to catch his breath

"Thank goodness I found you Mia, Daisy was looking for you because of an urgent matter" he told us before he sat down and laid his back flat on the sand
What urgent matter that Daisy asked Wyett to come running to me?


"This?" I lifted the crop top piece"This is the urgent matter?" I looked at Daisy while I held the skirt and crop top in both of my hands as my brows went up

"Yes, the first day of the festival and the concert is tomorrow so we need to look our best" she answered me while searching through the enormous parcel that recently came from delivery

It turns out that Daisy ordered both of us a few dresses to choose from for the 3-day festival, my eyes looked down at my hand where the two pieces dress yellow outfit that I will be wearing tomorrow

The crop top was a long-sleeved off the shoulder where the bottom hugs my torso above the belly button

The skirt was a wrap-around, the piece that was flowy and was meant to reach from my waist to my ankles

There were small white flower patterns that were spread across the dress

The dress hugged my upper body and the bottom was flowy, it's a beach dress

Daisy pulled out a matching one but this time it was light green to compliment her red hair color "We are gonna look amazing" she squealed

"Yeah" my voice was a dead giveaway before Daisy noticed my face, she pulled me to sit on the bed while standing in front of me with both hands on her waist "Alright spit it out, what happened during your date?"

I glance up at her while I gripped the crop top and skirt tightly "I rejected him"

Daisy blinked multiple times and shake her head before asking "Wait what?"

Her body moved and sat beside me "But you both were doing so well, what happened?"

My silence says many words and Daisy is no first-timer when  understanding pure silence, she leaned in and put an arm around me "It's Cloud, isn't it?"

I nodded slowly as I close my eyes and have my legs close to my chest, her hand moved in a circular motion at my back like a small massage

"Well cheer up buttercup, you finally come to terms with your feeling" she slapped my back before standing up to go to my bathroom to try on the dress
That hurts like hell, my back stings from that slap

I looked down at my outfit
Let's move on, tomorrow is going to be a great day

I assure myself, my hand went to touch my lips, and the kiss that Aiden gave me came flooding into my brain
First Cloud now Aiden, the God's up there must be enjoying as they watch me in this predicament

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