You Will Be Fine

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Chapter fifty-one: "You Will Be Fine"

When we finally finished eating the orange a knock at the door made our heads turn to a student holding a phone "Hey guys, class will be suspended, a strong storm will be coming so make sure you guys get home early" Kiara said

Kiara was the secretary of the student council and was known to be very energetic and loved her position in the student council, everybody cheered and packed up their bags quickly but at the corner of my eye Nick looked at Cloud with a worried sick face

Nick walked up to me "I brought my car today since the repair was finished, you two can come with me and I'll call my sister to have a sleepover at Cloud's home"

"Sounds like a plan" I told him, with Nick and Nikki at the penthouse we could watch over Cloud properly and calm him down when the nightmares happened again, Cloud slowly stood up from his seat and put an arm around me to get himself to walk

We were walking slowly side by side and Nick joined in getting Cloud's bag to carry it for him as I helped Cloud walk to Nick's car that was luckily parked nearby, he was getting weak and before he could lose balance I managed to get him seated inside the back seat if the car

Nick quickly ran to the driver's seat and started the engine and I hopped in, he was driving so fast like we were in a hurry. Nick handed me his phone and ordered me to dial his sister, her name was on his speed dial and she quickly picked up the call

I held the phone close to Nick as he was focused on the road "Hey Nikki, meet us at Cloud's place and bring some clothes!" Nick said loudly

"I know I'm already doing it so shut up" she replied and I could hear her open and close some drawers in the background noise, she closed a drawer loudly then continued saying "You guys better get to the penthouse quick the gathered dark clouds look like there is going to be thunder"

"Shit" Nick muttered under his breath as his knuckles turned white because he gripped the steering wheel tightly, under the span of 3 minutes we were already in the elevator and Nick swiped the card so the elevator could work. Cloud was leaning at one side of the elevator with both of his eyes closed and arms crossed

He doesn't seem to be affected much about Nick's worried sick actions but he jumped a little when we heard a loud thunderstorm, his eyes shot wide open and looked at his surrounding. Nick put both of his hands at Cloud's shoulder "Dude we're here, calm down"
What is happening!?

Cloud was struggling to say something and was trying to get it out of his mouth but before he could say it the elevator doors opened and he stepped out first "I am calm" he mumbled

"Dude I know you're not" Nick followed him out of the elevator making me the last person to leave it, Cloud was walking around with cold sweat running down his face. It was 8 minutes before Nikki came holding two gym bags that I assume where their clothes are in

She gave the card back to Nick "Luckily I borrowed the card before you leave, how's he doing?" She asked her brother as she gave him one of the gym bags, Cloud was sitting all alone on the sofa with his head close to his knees

Another thunderstorm made a loud sound and lightning made Cloud stand up quickly from the sofa

Nikki tried to walk up to him but Cloud speed-walked by her "Cloud please calm down" she ran after him but he quickly got to the bedroom so he slammed the door shut at her face
I don't know what the hell is going on but what I do know is Cloud might get hurt

"What is going on?" I asked them as I walked to the locked door and tried to open the doorknob

Nick rubbed his face with both of his hands "Cloud is afraid of thunderstorms"

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