Like Morticia

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Chapter four: "Like Morticia"

"Wendy, darling, have you gained weight?" Aunt Laborè said in a tired voice as she tried to pull up the zipper from the teal blue dress she bought for her. We all helped Wendy try on the dress but no matter how much we tried the zipper wouldn't go up.

Eventually, Mom helped out and she managed to pull up the zipper to fully close the dress
"I can't breath" Wendy was turning blue so we quickly pulled down the zipper and she finally gasped for air. Caramia gave Wendy back her clothes so she could change

Aunt Laborè checked the dress "It seems I have bought you a size smaller Wendy. How about this, we could go shopping to find you a new dress"

Wendy's eyes lit up and she gave Aunt Laborè her biggest grin. Ella was now the new owner of the teal blue dress because she was the only one out of all of us that could fit into a size 2. I noticed that Adeline's eyelids now had glittery eye shadow on it
"She gave me a new eyeshadow pallet" Adeline bragged to me and walked away happily, I chuckled at how immature my younger sister could be

Natalie walked into the living room holding a new designer bag along with Mom and they posed for Aunt Laborè to take a picture of them.
"Hey sis what about me?" Dad asked Aunt Laborè, she crossed her arms at him

"You don't seem to remember that you didn't give me any gift last Christmas" she glanced at her phone then she looked at Dad's face and laughed.

"You idiot, Mom would kill me if I didn't bring anything to you. Just don't forget my Christmas gift next time" she gave Dad a whole new painting set along with Brie who acquired the same passion for painting as Dad

Caramia strutted around the house testing her new high heel shoes, the way she walks reminds me of Morticia Addams. Ella got a set of dangling earrings that have beautiful jewels on them

We all sat around the huge couch that was made specifically for us because Mom and Dad requested a couch that could fit 10 people. it took the couch makers 3 weeks to make this abnormally large couch. Everybody now looked at me.
"Penelope what did you get?" Wendy asked me as she ate her choco bar

I showed the pinky ring that I got
"A ring?" Ella blurted out in confusion. I shrugged at her and gave her a sheepish smile

"A ring designed by Sophia that is" I said quietly. It was meant for only me to hear as I looked at the silver ring.
"By Sophia?" Brie heard me as she looks at the ring

"Your hearing is as sharp as ever; I hope you use it when listening to lectures" I scolded her and she scrunched up her nose

"Never mind that, the ring looks cute" she complimented the small pinky ring. The night was a long one since we showed Aunt Laborè her room that she would be staying in. The room was the smallest out of all the rooms in the house and I feel a bit guilty that this is the treatment we gave to Aunt Laborè after she gave us wonderful gifts

Before Aunt Laborè would settle down in the room, I knocked at the door frame to get her attention. She looked at me and smiled
"Penelope sweetie what is it?" She asked me

I walked into the room and sat at the vanity chair.
"I was wondering if you would like to share a room with me since this..." I looked around the room that was supposed to be a guest room
"Is a bit too small for you, as thanks for the gifts" I added

"Are you sure I won't be a bother?" She asked me for assurance if she was allowed and I nodded in response, she thanked me for the invitation to my room as I helped her with her luggage

"Your room is big"
I laughed a little
"Aunt Laborè, all of the rooms in this house is big except the guest room"

I put the luggage in the corner of my room as Aunt Laborè sat on my bed and looked at me
"Is there something wrong?" I picked up all the mess on the floor

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