How Do I Repay You?

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Chapter eighty-six: "How Do I Repay You?"

"So are you gonna go or not?" Cloud asked me as he sat on the floor looking at my face

It was the next day and I was contemplating if I should go or not, I did get scolded loudly by my parents. I assumed that the whole neighborhood knows my situation and it would be pretty embarrassing to show my face there right now

I rubbed my face "Why does it sound so hard to get ready" this was my 3rd complaint about the past hour, Cloud only slept a little so it means he was the one who woke me up early. It was already 8:52 and we will be leaving by 9:30

"Are you planning not to go?" I heard Nikki's voice as she enter the room, my nostrils were greeted by the smell of fresh pancakes with margarine on top. Nikki remembered what I always make every breakfast that she made me breakfast herself, I sat up quickly and she giggled softly before handing me the plate full of pancakes

Stuffing food in your mouth is gotta be the best feeling in the world but at some point, it has to end because the food is all finished since you ate them all. My mind then reminds me of my dire situation again that I can feel my face starting to make a sulking face

"Morning Gorgeous"

We all looked at the door to see Nick who has a wide smile on his face before he saw mines, his face was now changed to worry "You okay?"

I removed the duvet that covered my legs "Yeah, I just don't feel like going to the reunion right now"

"I can come with you there" I turned to Cloud who stood up from his seat from the floor at my bedside "Cloud do you even know where the location is?"

They all looked at each other and the twins smirked, Cloud took out his phone showed me a message that Natalie sent him "You guys are going to one of my family's hotels in Banff"

"You mean the Fairmont Banff Springs?" I say then I realized that the location of the reunion has changed "Holy crap" I muttered
Never in a million years would I think that my family... wait, no, my entire clan would go to a resort and have our reunion there

Nikki and Nick pulled out train tickets to go to Banff "We knew this would happen when Cloud messaged us so we booked a seat" Nick winked at me and I squealed with glee as I hug the twins together

I pulled away immediately "But wait, it will take us 3 days to get there" I turned to face the walk-in closet to see Cloud pulling out my luggage and his

"Then this would be a fun trip for all of us" he grinned at me


We arrived at the train station and I was nearly blown away by the structural design, my family must be around here somewhere because our departure time is the same as my family's. I played with my green scarf that is wrapped around my neck because I am a bit nervous to see my parents after last night's event

I was sitting alone at a bench while waiting for the three to come back, Nikki said she needed to go to the bathroom and both of the boys said they will buy hot drinks for the ride. I searched online about the train that we were going to ride on and it turns out the train is named "The Rocky Mountaineer" is a luxury train with a great design that helps the riders see natures beauty better with its large windows that reached the ceiling or better yet almost the ceiling itself
I guess that is the best description I can make of the train since the picture from the internet looks amazing

It was very cold today to the point that when I breathe out I can see smoke coming out of my mouth, I look down at my hands and start to rub them together to make it warm when I suddenly see a cup that has a warm choco in it "Oh, thanks" I grabbed the cup with both hands and I felt relaxed from the warmth that it was emitting

I then noticed that there are small marshmallows that are floating inside my cup and a small smile formed on my lips, there is no need for me to look up because I can see a pair of red converse that I know Cloud owns in his closet. A loud laugh was heard among the crowd and my ears perked up since that laugh can only be owned by one person and that is Brie, my eyes darted to my left side where my entire family are walking in a group

In a state of panic, I used the cup to cover my face and I used the scarf around my neck to cover half of my mouth and nose like a mask, Cloud turned his head around to look where I was looking. His first instinct was to cover me using his body that he moved a little "If you're not ready to talk to them then don't" he told me while drinking his cup that I know it's dark coffee because the aroma was strong

I whispered to Cloud "I didn't know you drink dark coffee" with a surprised look on my face, he stopped sipping and try to give me the cup "You want one?"

I shake my hand and refused his coffee "No thanks I don't drink dark coffee, it's too bitter" he retreated his hand with the coffee "You just drink coffee with sweetener all the time Angel, you have a sweet tooth" he proceeded to finish the dark coffee right in front of me then threw the cup at the trash bin like a basketball

"Nice throw dude" Nick arrived with Nikki who has a face full of relief when she stepped out of the women bathroom, we heard the announcer saying that the train will arrive in ten minutes so we all grabbed our belongings and waited by the gate

There is also one thing that I almost forgot, the train doesn't operate during the night so we gotta stop by a train station to sleepover at some hotel then get back on the train again the next day. It sounded like a hassle to many but it sounded like an adventure to me

When the train arrived all of our mouths dropped except for Cloud, the train was tall and the seats that Cloud asked for the twins to get was 1st class which is the gold leaf car

I can see my family boarding the silver leaf car which is just right behind the gold leaf, there is just a little sense of relief that the chances of my family seeing me are low. We hopped on board and I don't even know if my jaw can even go lower than it already was because the view up at the train was amazing

But there was one thing that is now just popped into my mind, I turned to Nikki and whispers in her ear while we find our seats "Aren't the seats in gold leaf expensive?"

She gave me a confused look "Penelope, Nick, and Cloud paid for our trip"

"Then why the heck did you listen to Cloud!? You could've just bought me a seat at the silver leaf" I whisper yell at her as I try to add up the expenses that the ride will cost me

She chuckled and put both hands on my shoulders "Calm down, didn't I just tell you that the rides are all paid for by Cloud and Nick?"

I shook my head violently "No that's not what I'm worried about, what I'm worried about is how do I pay them back. I feel bad if they pay an expensive seat for me!"

When we finally reached our seats we all looked at each other, Nick quickly took the window seat, and Nikki sat beside him. I sat in the window seat in front of Nick and Cloud sat beside me

We were already an hour into the ride and I could hear the soft stored of the twins behind us, I used the chance to talk this out with Cloud so I tapped his shoulder while he was wearing earphones and was reading a book. He removed one earphone and looked at me with one eyebrow raised

I looked around me before I said "How do I repay you?" I whispered

"What?" He didn't seem to hear what I was trying to say, I leaned close to his ear and used one of my hands to cup my mouth "How do I repay you? I heard from Nikki that you and Nick paid for the seats"

A smirk formed on his lips and his signature mischief eyes are back at it again, he leaned close to my ear and said "Continue sleeping with me"

A smirk formed on his lips and his signature mischief eyes are back at it again, he leaned close to my ear and said "Continue sleeping with me"

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