Penelope 2.0

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Chapter one hundred ten: "Penelope 2.0"

The whole ride was quiet so I put on my headphones and plugged them in my new phone, luckily there were some downloaded songs. I gave the bus guy my ticket and ate the snacks in my bag

All of the passengers were fast asleep and only a few were on their phones trying to fight off the sleepiness
I wonder how Cloud is doing, is he sleeping well? Did he have a panic attack? I hope not

I was alert the entire time so I could watch over my belongings, the sun was setting as I am 3 hours in this bus ride. My butt was becoming numb and I can't feel my legs anymore
This will be awkward and embarrassing once this ride ends

If I left my home at 1 PM it was already 4 PM so by 6 PM I will arrive at the bus station at the seaside, I checked the messages on my new phone where Aiden added his number along with Yara and Peter's

I added Daisy's number so I can update her on the time I will arrive, there was a new message from Yara and I opened it

Yara: One of your sisters asked me if I have seen you and I told her I didn't, Cloud was with her and he looked panicked

Penelope: Thank you for the info Yara

Yara: No probs, I hope they suffer from what they did to you 😈

Yara: This is so freakin entertaining to watch and more drama than my books can

A small smile formed on my lips
Well, Yara is being entertained in all of this

There was another message sent to me, this time it was Peter

Peter: Dudette Your parents are asking me if I saw you and I acted surprised, you should've seen my acting skills

Penelope: Did they believe your acting?

Peter: It looks like they did because I'm looking at them from my bedroom window watching them walk away hurriedly

Penelope: Thanks Peter

Peter: Just buy me food once I visit there

He sent a gif of a chubby baby eating food happily

The view at night from the bus window is amazing, the sun sets behind the mountains and hills at the far distance. We were in the rural area now and the place at the seaside has a population of only 100,000 people

It means they all know each other and Daisy told me she can help me enroll in one of the high schools she is at, she did warn me that even if it was not a private school they have given their students uniform to wear

I don't really mind wearing a uniform since it will lessen my problem of thinking about what I should wear every day to school, 1 hour and 30 minutes have already passed
I'm getting close to seeing Daisy, I can't wait

It was hard leaving home at first but for the first time in my entire life, I felt free, it was a feeling I longed for ever since I was tied down in everyone's stupid expectations of me being the stupid girl I was

It felt like the chains of expectation and disappointment that used to weigh me down has now been broken and now I can renew myself, just the thought of reinventing myself to Penelope 2.0 is making me giddy and excited

I will change a lot to the point they won't recognize me anymore, that stupid, frail, and ugly Penelope is long gone

The bus has finally arrived at the bus station and everybody is getting off one by one when I stepped out Daisy was running to me

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