That Hotdog Pillow Is My Lifesaver

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Chapter sixty: "That Hotdog Pillow Is My Lifesaver"

It turns out, I was right about what I said earlier. They did argue until sunset, I have to separate them using with force with the help of Dustin holding his brother and I am grabbing Daisy's arms with all my might

"You better keep one eye open when you sleep!" She threatened him and Cloud scoffed "As if I could sleep in the first place"

We managed to have them at 10 feet distance from one another "Do you guys have to keep going like that?" I glanced at Daisy as we both watched Cloud trying to get out of Dustin's grip, Dustin's face screamed help from his strong angry little brother

"Let's exchange numbers and I'll call you soon" I suggested and she pulled out her phone with baby kittens design on the phone cover, I put down my number and said goodbye to her before running to Cloud and pulling him back to Dustin's car

I flicked his forehead "Why are you so darn immature?!" I scolded him, he pointed to the direction where the park is "She brought up about the picture of you and Aiden"
He must be talking about the picture of me and Aiden in a kiss cam

"Why on earth would you be triggered by that?!"

"His face is on it and you were beside him too" he answered

I smacked my lips "Nice, you just now told me how much you hate Aiden and seeing me at the same time"

He looked at me funny "What? No! You are too dense Angel" Cloud groaned in frustration, I patted his shoulder "I know how much you hate me but we have to deal with it if we wanna get through this problem together, alright?"

I looked down on my wristwatch to see that Dinner time is almost near and we haven't even prepared ourselves for it, the groceries are still inside Dustin's car and I have to make food to bring to dinner. I pointed to my wristwatch and Cloud was still not aware of what is going on "If we are going to be late for this dinner, we can forget about this deal and pretend it never happened"

He has now realized it "Shit"
Dustin was already inside the car so it was perfect timing, we all managed to get to the penthouse early so I can cook the food and the three brothers are helping out in putting all the groceries in their respective places. I glanced up at the wall clock
We only have an hour left

I made Shepherd's pie, so after I was done I ran as fast as I could to do a quick shower and find a good outfit for this dinner. Cloud dressed himself up nicely and I found a dress that was hidden behind some pants that I always use everyday

The dress that I found was a blue long cottage core dress that reached my knees this was gifted to me by Alice on my birthday, she said she found it in a dainty boutique while on a trip to Sweden. I never get to wear the dress since I don't know any perfect occasion to wear it but since I'm in a hurry right now I'll just assume it's the perfect dress for the family dinner

Grabbing a pair of white wedged shoes I stepped out of the walk-in closet to see that Cloud was gazing at me up and down "Before you ask, yes this is the dress I will wear for now" I skipped out of the bedroom to get the shepherd's pie and Cloud opened the elevator doors for me

We both speed walk to the parking lot and hopped into his car, I checked my wristwatch to see that we only have 10 minutes left. Cloud drove like we were in a car race as he kept shifting at different lanes, he managed to get us both to my home in a knick of time as soon before the timer runs out I finally knocked at the door to be greeted by Mom in a nice dress

"Hi Mom"
"Hi Mrs. Price"

She gave us a delighted smile "Glad you two made it and you brought shepherd's pie! your Dad, and your sisters' favorite" she helped me carry the food and opened the door more widely for us to come in

The house was redecorated from the inside and I was very surprised at that fact, we would only redecorate our home if we feel like it and the last time we did it was when I was 6 years old. The table was set up outside and they didn't hold back in the table setting
Well since Aunt Laborè is here, I shouldn't be surprised if she was the one who did this. She is extra as fuck

Mom puts down the food beside the others on the table as my sisters that were somewhere around the house came out with Aunt Laborè, we took a seat and proceeded to start Dinner together

"So how was living together?" Ella asked me after she gulped down the roasted chicken

I scooped up the mashed potatoes and shoved them in my mouth, I swallowed first before answering "It was fine but I didn't expect living together to be hard" my hand grabbed the glass that has juice in it and I drank it in one gulp

Aunt Laborè and my Mom giggled together "That's normal, even your father and I  first started to live together to see if we can see each other's true nature" Mom told me as she was cutting up the meat on her plate

"Your mother was never really good at cooking so I keep her out of the kitchen as possible until I taught her how to cook" Dad said that resulting in him getting a slap on the back by Mom, my sisters smiled at both of them

We already know that story that Dad told us a hundred times, he and Mom didn't like each other so much that he even told me he tried to curse Mom in any way he can. Until one day Dad was involved in a food fight that he would get to see Mom smile for the first time because she was laughing her ass off at how stupid Dad looked at the time

The reason they start to hate each other at first is that Mom mocked Dad for his love for arts but now all of Dad's artwork is of Mom and I wouldn't even be surprised if he might make a shrine for her, Mom wouldn't mind seeing her face being made into a portrait

Cloud smiled "I never knew that Penelope would have a hotdog pillow" 

My sisters snickered "You still have that hotdog pillow?" Wendy asked me in surprise, I put a hand on my waist "Excuse you all but that hotdog pillow is my lifesaver if I cannot sleep, hmph!" 

I reached out for the cinnamon rolls and Caramia kindly handed one to me  "Stop teasing her, I don't see you sleeping without hugging a book" Adeline told Wendy

"At least it is a book, Penelope hugs a hotdog pillow like she is starved for cuddles" Wendy grinned at me

I crossed my arms "Well at least I don't develop an unhealthy obsession with a fictional character that I even have to cry about his death in a book"

She shot me a glare "Florence's death is not justified and I am in protest to change the story to the author" she stabbed the chicken leg with anger

"Funny enough even Brie cries over a fictional character too" Natalie nudged Brie with her elbow, "He was supposed to be a hero but people misunderstood him and assumed he is a villain, now he is suffering" she sighed sadly as she played with her peas using a spoon

"Funny enough even Brie cries over a fictional character too" Natalie nudged Brie with her elbow, "He was supposed to be a hero but people misunderstood him and assumed he is a villain, now he is suffering" she sighed sadly as she played with her ...

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