I Guess I Still Love You

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Chapter one hundred twenty-eight: "I Guess I Still Love You"

Aiden and I walked out of my room and entered the living room where it was pure chaos, Daisy was attacking Wyett while Mira was stopping Max from helping their cousin
And here I thought my sisters were wild but Daisy and her friends are taking it to the next level

"What happened here?" Aiden asked as he helped Wyett up from the floor trying to get away from Daisy who was holding a guitar as she was about to hit him

Aiden grabbed the guitar from Daisy's hand "Don't bring the poor instruments in this, hit him with something else like..." He looked at the broom then pointed at it with his index finger "That"

"Thanks for the idea" Daisy patted his shoulder before walking to get the broom

Wyett looked at Aiden with a shocked face "Wait aren't you supposed to help me!?" He asked him in a panic as Daisy was walking close to him and every step spelled threat

Aiden looks down on him because he was standing up and Wyett just fell down backward being scared of Daisy, he smiled innocently at him "This is for what you are going to do"
What Wyett is going to do? Does he have an inside joke with Wyett?

Aiden grabbed me, Max, and Mira as he pulled us out of Daisy's home, before he could close the door we can hear Wyett's girly scream

I turned to Mira "Mind explaining why Daisy is going to commit murder to your cousin?"

"Wyett and Daisy went to Ms. Petunia to ask permission so they can get one yellow hibiscus, while Wyett was watching Daisy get flowers he saw a bee and accidentally hit Daisy causing her to fall face-first to the soil"
No wonder I smelled the earth when I entered the living room

We hear lots of cheer at the gate and I see that all of Aiden's fans were waiting at the front gate of Daisy's home

"So are you gonna use the back door trick now?" I asked him as he stood there with a thin line smile

"I guess so but there is no back door so I have to climb the wall to reach my home" he shrugged like this is no problem for him
Aiden fucking Elliot, you idiot, these fans are your loyal people and they will do anything to get close to you because I can see them trying to break the gate

The gates look like it is about to give up on life and fall to the ground "I suggest you run now" I pushed him to the wall that was the separation between his home and Daisy's house

Max helped him climb over the wall and just as expected the fans followed where he was going, the place in front of Daisy's home was now empty. The door from the house slammed open and it revealed Wyett who looks disheveled
Did Daisy hit him or did she make out with him? Because he looked like he was about to be taken to heaven

Daisy went up to the front door with the same disheveled look, Mira and Max gave the both of them a smug look but never pointed out why there was a lipstick stain on Wyett's neck

Me and Daisy both looked at each other "What?"

I pointed to Wyett's neck as he walked away "You did that didn't you?"

She shrugged "The color looks fine on him" one side of her lips quirked up
The person who I thought was the most innocent turned out to be the person who have the dirtiest mind

We all went to the center of the town where the celebration was being held, in one hour Aiden's concert will start so before we enter we ate the free food that was being offered by all the food stands and their different specialties

Even the ice cream shop was now starting to give free ice creams away where Ted and Olivia were the people who were giving out the ice cream

Wyett snapped a lot of photos as he wandered around while we sat at the table where food was overflowing on top
So many foods and yet my stomach cannot have them all, I got full quickly

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