All Of It

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Chapter sixty-three: "All Of It"

"Jane is here right now, she must be at the backyard playing with Peter" Howard told me as he accepted the bottled water that Kelly threw at him

Howard squinted his eyes at Kelly "Being Passive Aggressive now are we?"

Kelly sprayed him with water from the hose "Yes actually" she forced  smiled to Howard who was now wet from waist up

"Penelope you can come in now" Kelly urged me to come into their home to leave both of them alone so they can continue this passive-aggressive interaction with each other, I stepped into the living room and saw both Will and Raymond who are flat on their stomachs at the carpet floor as their eyes are glued to the video game they are playing

I left them to head straight to their backyard and saw Jane listening to music while reading a book under a tree for shade as her pet turtle named Peter is asleep on her lap, she didn't notice my presence so I have to sit beside her which made her head turn to my way instantly and removed one earphone from her ear simultaneously

She gave me one earphone that she removed and we listened to the music together "I didn't hear you call Sleepy" she muttered to me

"I did call Bashful, you were just busy going grocery shopping with your Mom" I answered, my finger went to turn to the next page from the book that she was holding and I realized this is the book Yara lent to her so I was greeted with unholy scenes that I want to wash my eyes with holy water with

I cleared my throat and grabbed the bookmark to put it in her book quickly before closing it "You were reading it so nonchalantly that I thought it is a novel that has any genre but that"

Jane chuckled before she put down the book on the grass "I'm just open-minded that's all"

I sighed "You should spend time with Nikki and Nick, maybe your mind will be more open than before" I joked, Jane, shot me the look

"I don't wanna do that anymore, I was traumatized by what I saw that it is forever burned at the back of my mind" she cringed at herself whole looking at the far distance, I moved closer to her and whispers "What did you see?"

She leaned closer to my ear and used one hand to cup her mouth "I accidentally walked into a classroom to see him go down with a girl on the teacher's desk, they were half-naked"

I patted her back in pity "I'm so sorry for you"

"You better be because I have seen all of it"

Just the thought of walking in on Nick doing the deed with a random girl is just waiting for your eyes to be bleached, I petted Peter's shell who slowly walked to switch to my lap "Did he go to the vet today? I remember about his weird appetite of wanting to eat cereal"

Jane told me last week about how they accidentally spilled cereal at Peter's tank and he ate it, they left the cereal box beside his tank and their little cousin who visited them accidentally hit the table causing the cereal box to fall into his tank

"We did go to the vet and surprisingly nothing happened to him after eating a lot of cereal, the cereal was whole wheat and it only had honey flavoring. Why did you come here anyway? You usually come here when you are scared of being alone" Jane asked me taking Peter to lay him on the grass to let him roam around the backyard

Yes, I am scared of being alone not like being single but being left alone in a place since I just don't like it and it scared the shit out of me because I tend to be more jumpy when being alone. There's this one time in Halloween where Cloud decided it would be a funny idea to dress up as a zombie and to knock at my home's doorstep because I was alone and I don't like going out on Halloween much

He scared the crap out of me when he jumped out behind the wall and I almost saw God at that time

Until to this day he hasn't apologized about that incident and I am more annoyed that I just remember that memory that I wanted to forget, I woke up on the couch and saw Alice and Cloud who tended to me

"Do you happen to know what Cloud's favorite food is Penelope?" Jane asked me as she pulled out a pen and small notepad from her jacket

"He likes Chili because he eats three bowls of it in one sitting"

Jane was bewildered at that fact "He likes Chili? But he didn't even eat the Chili that a fangirl gave to him before lunch two years ago"

Now that is something I don't remember "He hates Chili?"
Then what the hell?! He ate the Chili I made, is he putting up an act in front of people again?

She nodded "To be more specific he isn't a big eater and he doesn't have a good appetite so I am asking if there is any food that he liked that I could make into a small portion"

"I know he hated grapes" I mumbled to myself and Jane happened to hear it "Cloud hates grapes?" She repeated my sentence with a raised brow

I shrugged "At least that is what I remembered he hated eating grapes the most, he even spat out the raisins that were in the snacks that were given to us during our snack time in preschool"

"Why does he hate grapes?"

"Dunno it's still a mystery to me to this day"

There is no getting around it, Cloud is a mystery. Nobody knows his favorite food, his favorite hobby other than studying, and other more facts about him. He just doesn't like talking much of himself to other strangers

He just answers people with a lie to mislead them into thinking they could get close to him, he created this invincible barrier that people don't know about since they thought that they are already close to him

Even I fell for his lie that because he told me that he liked Bowling before so I bought a small bowling playset for him in his birthday back when we were little kids and I don't think I have seen him play it
He's a good liar, that is not a compliment by the way

He must be very selective of people he would let his true self show, I think Nick and Nikki already knows what his favorite and hobbies are but they kept quiet to protect his privacy
You don't find great trusting friends like them a lot in a lifetime

Will and Raymond stepped out of the house and saw us under the tree "Hey Penelope" Raymond high five me before sitting down across from us "Hey Ray, you okay? I heard about what happened from Will"

He scratched the back of his neck and sadly sighs looking down at the grass "Not great still wouldn't forget her, I don't know why she dumped me. I thought our relationship was going well" he was puzzled at himself

Jane looked up from her book to glance at Raymond "Maybe it's because you don't have much time for her, girls tend to feel more alone if the partner is not there to talk to her or even be with her if they have time" she told him gently, Raymond slapped his temple with the palm of his hand

"Now that I think about it, I was always busy about football that I don't remember much in spending time with her" he ruffled his hair in frustration while groaning

"Now that I think about it, I was always busy about football that I don't remember much in spending time with her" he ruffled his hair in frustration while groaning

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