No Doubt About It

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Chapter ninety-four: "No Doubt About It"

Every night when we sleep I can feel his warm touch but I don't know when it will last, he wanted to continue our deal even after graduation as a way to repay my debt for him paying for my train seat. He nuzzled his face at the crook of my neck when suddenly I smelled a faint scent of his cologne that he always wears after a shower.

All of his clothes including him smelled exactly the same even the t-shirt he stole from me started to smell like him because he slept with it when we were apart, the arm that he has around me started to massage the exposed skin under my shirt using his hand and I can feel my face become warm. He used his thumb and moved it in a circular motion at my exposed skin at the side

His warm breath hits the skin of my neck and I could hear myself letting out a small gasp. I feel like we should stop since someone might see us, they might think we are doing something inappropriate

I could feel his lips and nose graze my skin a bit

He was not sleeping right now, is this the other side effect!?

Before he lets go of me he kissed me under the ear near the jawline and a small moan escape from my lips, my hand went to slap my mouth instantly

I was panicking as I screamed loudly in my head, my first instinct is that I shove him off of my bed and I suddenly covered myself with my blanket. Cloud chuckled deeply from behind me since I turned my back on him

Since I was under the covers he hugged me from behind and rested his chin at my shoulder "Angel"

"What?" I asked aggressively at him without turning my body around

I can feel him being close to my ear "You have a cute moan" he teased me and I put down my blanket just so my eyes could be seen, he could see that I'm glaring at him

"Go back to your bed"

He gave me a smirk "Night Angel" he went back to his bed and for the night, we were awake until 2 AM or maybe 3, I don't know anymore since my head is still remembering what Cloud did to me


I can feel someone shake me gently so I could wake up, I opened my eyes halfway and I could see Nikki's bright and energetic face greet me in the morning. Her pixie hair cut is brushed to look neat and she wore a different top now, yesterday she wore a button-up blouse this time she is wearing a turtleneck sweater

"We're almost there in about 5 more hours" she grinned down at me, my eyes landed on Cloud's bunk bed and he wasn't there

She help me sit up and gave me a smug look "I overheard what happened last night" she gave me a wink and nudge at my elbow. My first response was covering my face with both hands
This is so embarrassing

"So what did you both do?" She started to bombard me with a lot of questions without giving a damn that Abby was listening in on our conversation. Abby was furious and her eyes were burning with so much hatred that if looks could kill I would be double dead right now, her hands were clenched so tight that her knuckles are turning white.

I decided to remain quiet since it will become a lot more awkward later when we eat breakfast at the dining car, Nick returned with his face a bit wet but he looks refreshed. When Cloud arrived I avoided eye contact with him as I head straight to the bathroom to brush my teeth.

He was so sleepy last night he must have forgotten about it, right? RIGHT!?

A part of me practically begged that maybe Cloud can get a concussion and forget about last night, it was so embarrassing that I can hibernate in my room for an entire year with no human contact. He must be laughing his ass off right now while I'm here being a red hot mess

When I finally brushed my teeth, washed my face, and combed my hair, I walked back to the bunkers and I can see Cloud was scrolling down on his phone
How can he act like this after what happened last night?!

I don't want to make a big deal out of the situation but it has gotten to the point that he wouldn't even explain himself without even giving me eye contact, I grabbed the phone from his hands and looked down at him "Are you forgetting something?" I tapped one foot on the ground that I'm growing impatient as I wait for his reason

He stood up so now I am the one looking up at him, he gave me a boyish grin where his dimple shows and I almost forgive him on the spot if it wasn't for the fact I kept remembering last night. His actions were inexcusable

He puts both hands in his trousers "Good morning!" He said happily

I shoved the phone in my pocket "I'm not giving it back to you until you admit your mistake" I gathered up all my things before going back to the seats on the train since I took Cloud's phone he was left with nothing to do

To make up for being bored he started to annoy me by calling my name multiple times that I have to cover my ears with headphones but even then that wouldn't stop him so he started poking my cheeks
He wants his phone so badly that it has gotten to the point of me struggling to protect it so he can't retrieve his phone

Our friends looked at us with pure confusion written on their faces while Abby rolled her eyes for the 10th time of today and it's not even 10 o'clock yet, Aiden stopped Cloud by pulling him away from me and quickly sat on the seat beside me

Cloud returned with his arms crossed "You are seating on my seat"

Aiden looked around "Your name is not written anywhere, you have no proof that this is your seat" he then started to mock Cloud and rested his head on my shoulder while not breaking eye contact with him. Nobody other than me and Danny would know that these two are even best friends before

I sighed at how loud they are so I stood up and went to the middle of the aisle, I proceeded to push Aiden to my seat then shoved Cloud so he can sit beside Aiden and I took the opportunity to sit beside Nick. Since the two don't have a choice in moving seats anymore they started to arm wrestle at the armrest
They have amazing strength and I hope they can shut up if they both break their bones at the same time

Nick and Nikki were a better companion on this trip than anyone else for that matter, they were both ready and quiet. Abby was seated beside Nikki who didn't give a fuck about her talking, Nikki just kept nodding her head as I can see her mind floats to somewhere else

The two boys are now starting to give each other empty threats

Aiden glared at him darkly "Once this ride ends I'm going to break your arm" he cracked his knuckles making a popping sound

"You sure do talk loud for someone who lost you sore loser" Cloud gave him a proud look and I couldn't help but roll my eyes at their immaturity
As if I was even mature myself

"I can't believe that one of them is your boyfriend" Nick looked at them while eating a packed popcorn, I scoffed "I can't believe that one of them is your best friend" my heard turned to look at him

He laughed at me "Which one?"

I gasped dramatically "So you now consider Aiden as your best friend? You betrayed Cloud" I gasped again this time I cover my mouth with more effects

He shook his head before hitting my forehead with the palm of his hand lightly which made me laugh, he is a good guy no doubt about it.

He shook his head before hitting my forehead with the palm of his hand lightly which made me laugh, he is a good guy no doubt about it

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