These Immature Idiots

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Chapter twenty-nine: "These Immature Idiots"

Cloud was about to say something about the phone call but I raised my hand to stop him to start talking
"Not a word" I pleaded to him and he complies

We reached school earlier than we thought, he park the car first and I stepped out of it to stretch my body a bit since my legs almost fell asleep during the ride
"Cloud" I heard a familiar yet annoying voice that I dread to hear this early in the morning

Danny was leaning on the tree as she called him with a flirty look, I rolled my eyes as I walk to the other way and avoid her. Cloud walked up to her and asked what she wanted from him, I didn't hear their conversation though because I was already far enough from them

I stepped into the school to see that the hallways are a bit empty
We were too early

I put some things in my locker and took out some books and notebooks that I needed, since it was early in the morning I decided to visit the library and maybe borrow some fiction books to pass time. On my way to the library, I have to pass by the music room

There was alluring guitar music and curiosity got the better of me so I decided to just peek through the door to see who was playing the guitar, to my surprise it was Aiden who was so focused. I was hiding behind the door until he stopped playing
Did he notice that I was watching?

I hid myself more behind the door but I accidentally hit a spray can that was left by an art student who was designing the music room walls, the can hit the floor and made a loud sound. I was panicking and made more noise as my feet hit the set of spray cans that were left in the middle of the way of the music room door

I turned my back from the entrance of the music room door and bend down to pick up and set the spray cans out of the way, after I was done I rubbed my hands together to shake off some dirt and stood up. When I was supposed to turn around I was startled when I was met with Honey brown eyes

Aiden's smiled down at me "hey Pip" I was so caught off guard after the small panic that I just had replied to him with my straightforward comment about his music "it was lovely"

He put on a cute confused face "what?"
I directly pointed to the guitar that was left beside a piano, I walked into the music room and sat on the bench that was beside the grand piano

"I never heard that tune before, did you make it?" I asked him as he sat down beside me on the bench as he held the guitar, he played the tune again and he nodded as he played the guitar

He stopped playing and looked both at me and the piano "I remember you would be the only one who knows how to play an instrument among the 4 of us"

I gaze at the piano in front of me "I don't think if I even remembered how to play it since the last time I played it was 6 years ago on Christmas Eve" my hands were intertwined with each other from nervousness

"The mind forgets but the body will remember" he told me and I sighed as I press a random key on the piano

"How about this, you follow the tune that I will play on my guitar since you were good at listening to the tune back in preschool" he reminisce after his compliment, I tapped my finger on the bench as I contemplate if I could even remember the key positions

I gave him a funny look "was I even that good back in preschool? All I remember is just making some random sounds on the piano" I joked and he puts down the guitar

In my preschool years, I was the only one in my group of friends that knows how to play the piano and Aiden was still learning about the guitar. Me and Aiden would always hang out in his home and we would play random sounds on our instruments and hope that it would make at least a decent music

We were just goofing around and making a lot of noise that we always give the neighbours cookies every Saturday as an apology because of it, he made a tune on his guitar and my hands started pressing the keys on the piano

It was slow at first but as he made more tunes with his guitar I was able to catch up with him, I realize that we were playing his music. We finished it until the end, to be honest, I was very shocked at myself for even remembering how I play the piano

My reaction made Aiden very amused, he laughed "Pip your reaction is priceless"

"You improved on the guitar" I complimented him, he was almost as good as a professional guitar player. We played some music that we couldn't play when we were children and we had a great time

What we didn't notice though is that a small crowd was forming outside the music room, we only noticed them when we heard loud clapping after our song
"Looks like the crowd loves it" I grinned widely at Aiden who was happy

"Our performance was great in my opinion" he boasted with pride to me which made me scoff at him

"I think I was better than you" I joked as I dusted off the game dust on my sleeves, he rolled his eyes at me with sass "puh-lease I was shining brighter because I looked stunning" he made a fake hair flip, I stifled my laugh

"So how about we meet our potential fans shall we?" He gave me his hand to hold for me to stand up and turn around to face the students but I shook my head

"I think they will be shocked if they know that the school's idiot is playing the piano" I answered, he put down his hand and turned to the students and yelled "DO YOU GUYS WANT ANOTHER SONG!?"

They gave us a lot of thumbs up and the majority nodded their heads, I don't want to turn around but I have to because I don't want to entertain the same people who kept mocking me
"No" I said to him and I walked out of the music room angrily, as expected, they were all shocked that it was me who was playing the piano

I was not angry at him but I was a bit annoyed that Aiden didn't listen to me like Cloud did
People make friends that have the same personality as them, no wonder that they are hating each other. It was in their personality

I glared at some students that were in the crowd as I passed by them
I hate these people, if I was dumb they would mock me but if I show signs that I have potential they would praise it

I ignored Aiden who was running after me, I kept walking faster going anywhere but near him. Being so deep in thoughts with anger and walking have caused me to bump into someone's chest, I looked up to see it was Cloud "Angel?"

"Pip" Aiden called out behind me, we both looked at him and Aiden's eyes landed on Cloud's hand that was holding my arm. His eyes went dark and were glaring at Cloud

These immature idiots
I ran my fingers through my hair in annoyance in the situation I'm in "you guys glare at each other all you want, I will leave now"

I try to leave but Cloud didn't want to let go of my arm

I try to leave but Cloud didn't want to let go of my arm

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