Heart-Shaped Birthmark

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Chapter thirty-four: "Heart-Shaped Birthmark"

"Well, I am no Golden Child but a black sheep so no, I would not understand your struggle"

He stopped slicing the tomatoes and turned his body to face me, he looks like he was trying to find the right words to say when suddenly I was startled when something licked my feet

It was Snow and it wants the tomato that was near at the edge of the countertop, I gave a small slice to her and she happily ate it in front of us

"What makes you think you're a black sheep Angel?" He leaned on one arm that was on the marble counter, his green eyes that I could get lost into was gazing at me intently

I gave him a small smile "why do you think I accepted your offer? I was not as smart as my sisters. I thought you were perceptive but it seems like I was wrong about you on that part" I mocked him and he seems taken aback about my observation of him

He didn't seem displeased though "I know everything you do that you do not know yourself" he boasted and I raised a brow at him with an amused look

"You do?"

He pointed to my foot "you tap one of your foot if you are about to get annoyed or is about to snap"

"That's all?" I questioned him and it looks like he wasn't finished yet

"You like strawberry bits in your vanilla ice cream, you used to want to have a piercing but your parents didn't allow you until you went to college, you changed your hair colour once to Strawberry hair, you have an almost heart-shaped birthmark at the bottom of your spine, yo-" I raised my hand to stop him

"That's it I think I heard enough, wait my heart-shaped birthma- were you peeking at me!?" I whisper yell at him, he smirked at me

"No, you were in a swimsuit during our small friendly outing with Jane and the gang and I saw it, and may I say that it was a cute birthmark" he teased me and I avoided him who was leaning forward to me with his towering height

I kept ignoring him who kept teasing me, "C'mon Angel look at me"

He knows my face is flustered but he kept doing it for his enjoyment, as soon as he got his face almost close to mine I took a slice of carrot on the chopping board and force-fed it to him. He was surprised at first and he chew the carrot anyway

It was now quiet just as I wanted when I cook, Cloud left me in the kitchen as he got distracted again by making fun of the goldfish by tapping at the fish tank making the goldfish run away in different directions
He acts like a kid

To be honest I liked seeing Cloud act like a small curious kid sometimes because the majority of my childhood that I was growing up with him he always give off that mature attitude when around kids our age and the adults, the adults would always be entertained when they see Cloud being proper and well mannered but when they turn their backs he is the opposite

He caught me staring at him and I immediately went back to cooking, I heard loud shuffling and groaning from Nick as he turned around on the couch. His loud snore was too loud that I almost want to take the cabbage that was sitting on the right side of the counter and slam dunk it in his mouth

Nikki did it for me instead but instead of cabbage she took a scarf and wrapped it around his head in the mouth area, his snore was muffled and it was now semi-quiet in the room. She sniffed the food aroma in the air and her hungry eyes darted at the food that was simmering in the pot

I heard a loud tummy grumble and she gave me a sheepish smile
"Food is almost ready so you can wake up your brother and prepare the plates"
Holy crap, I am sounding like a Mom right now

Nikki shook Nick violently and he woke up "Sis I felt like I was in an earthquake" he groaned and slammed his face down on the throw pillow, Nikki wasn't having any of it so she pulled Nick by the arm and he was forced to sit up on the couch

Nick smelled the aroma in the air and he too became hungry as his tummy growled much louder than Nikki's, the twins prepared the table meanwhile me and Cloud are already putting the food on the table. Nikki sat beside me and gave me a tight hug "you will be a perfect wifey"

I giggled at her comment, Nick though gave her a funny look "Nikki don't be too gay on the dinner table will you?"

"For your information dear brother, the term you are looking for is bisexual and in short bi, there are many types of gay people so be more specific" she stuck her tongue out at him

"I didn't know that Nikki was Bi" I said and she grinned up at me

Nick gave Cloud a smug look "looks like my sister is planning to steal your pillow buddy my dude" he said then took a bite out of the meat, Cloud playfully glares at Nikki

"Back off Nikki, she is my personal chef" his comment made me slap his shoulder lightly

I drank water first before I told him "Oh, so I am just a personal chef, do I? Well I guess you haven't noticed I am a great librarian too since you read so much I am the one who keeps organizing the library"

"Well you can't help it, you are a neat freak" he answered while he chews

"That makes her all the more perfect wifey!" Nikki chirped happily as she finishes her plate of food and was getting up from her seat to get seconds

She came back and her plate was overflowing with food "I tell you this, if she becomes my wife I'll spoil her with many gifts, hugs and kisses"

Cloud scoffed at her "you don't even know the little details about her" he prided himself too much, I realised that he was gonna say it. I gave him the look but he ignored it

"Angel has a heart-shaped birthmark at the bottom of her spine bet you didn't know about that huh?" He said which made Nick almost spit out his drink, he gave the both of us bewildered looks

Then he pointed his index finger Cloud as he used his other hand to hit his chest after he coughs out some water, "did you-" he coughs some more and I shook my head rapidly

"No, we didn't!" I said loudly
"She was in a swimsuit and I accidentally saw it, it was adorable" he grinned at me mischievously

"Was it really a heart shape?" Nikki eagerly asked Cloud and he nodded at her

He stood up and went to his bag that was on the carpet and pulled out his notebook and sketched it out, he showed it to us
It looks exactly like my birthmark

"Oh My Shit! It is a heart shape" she spoke loudly that I felt embarrassed about it

Nick took Cloud's drawing and after a few minutes of him squinting his eyes close to the drawing he came to his conclusion when he said "Yup, it is a heart shape"

"Guys can we just eat?" I asked them nicely for the topic to change and Nikki caught on quick that I was being uncomfortable, she turned the topic about the up coming marathon that she will be competing in next week

"Guys can we just eat?" I asked them nicely for the topic to change and Nikki caught on quick that I was being uncomfortable, she turned the topic about the up coming marathon that she will be competing in next week

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