Chapter Ten: A Magical Surprise

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My wolf wouldn't let me respond to her, his fucking pride hurt. She was sick, her wolf pleading with mine to talk again. Laying on my bed, the vampires were just now putting up the silver fence. The werewolves were all locked in their homes, crosses on their doors. The wooden floor creaked as I walked across the floor to my window. Red eyes glared up at me, my boots crashing outside of my house.

"Can you tell everyone that we aren't awful people?" A red haired vampire commented sarcastically, running his hand through his long shaggy scarlet hair. "I understand that we did a number on you guys, but that was a long time ago." Bowing my head in shame, his red eyes met mine. Clearing my throat, I shifted uncomfortably in my spot. Evie would know what to do here, my mind confused with what to do.

"Evie is better at this than me, but I can try to talk to them." I offered pathetically, the vampire tugging at the hem of his black dress shirt. "I apologize for the way my father treated you guys. So please let me help." A crooked grin brightened his face, his hand shaking mine.

"I am Benjamin Carlotta, the second in command in Theros' coven." He introduced himself, passing me a pair of leather gloves. "These should prevent the silver from burning you." Pulling them on, we worked all night. Shock widened my eyes, the wall was all done by the morning. The silver shimmered in the bright morning light, the vampires heading back the moment it was done.

"Your Evie is in trouble." My wolf whined softly, his tail flicking irritably. "It isn't Theros' fault, but you must leave now."

James popped up in front of me, opening the gate. Confusion twisted my face, him tossing me my bike keys. Silent words passed between us, my boots pounding towards my bike. Throwing on my helmet, the engine roared to life. Zooming down the road, trees flashed by me as I skidded to a stop in front of Theros' coven.

"They just showed up." Theros blurted out, his body covered in cuts and bruises. "I tried to fight them off, we all did. People are severely injured, but thank god no one was killed. They went that way." Taking everything off, I set it in a pile on my bike. My bones cracked, my snout growing larger as I transformed. Theros hopped on my back, him shooting me a thumbs up. Storm clouds rumbled above us, so he tucked his umbrella into his torn up coat.

"Wait for me." A brown haired boy with mismatched eyes ran behind us, a black and silver staff sitting in his palms. "I am going to fight to bring her back too. She is the first person to treat me with kindness right away. I will carry your clothes for you, okay?" Rolling my eyes, he hopped onto my back. My black fur fluttered in the wind as I crashed through the trees, the boys hanging on for dear life. A single vampire stood on top of her white wolf, blood matting her fur. Rage seethed in my eyes, the rogue vampire swinging a silver blade in his palms. A wild beard hung around his waist, his dark hair matted with trees and branches. My wolf wanted to lunch at him, Theros holding me back. My mate was laying there, and he was preventing me from getting to her. One of her eyes opened up, her wolf fading back to her body. Coughing up blood, she kicked him off of him. Her blood spun around her arms, the blood forming into a curved blade.

"Here's the thing." She wheezed, circling the rogue. "I am very pissed right now, and rather ill. So allow me to end you right here. Are you ready to die?" Flipping the blade around, sparks rained as metal smashed against metal. Blood poured from her nose, her left eye twitching in pain. The two of them darted through the trees, my form fading back to normal.

"What is that?" I demanded hotly, my voice cracking. "Since when can she do that?" Everyone shrugged, the branches crunched as we crashed through the forest to a circular opening. The two of them stood across from each other, both of them were out of breath. Her body swayed slightly, her footing nearly causing her to fall. Silver coursed through her veins, a vial of green liquid rolling to my bare feet. Theros shoved my clothes into my hands, it only took a quick moment to get dressed. Slamming her foot on the ground, vines shot up from the ground. Dodging them, he landed behind her. Pressing the silver blade to her throat, I tried to get to her again. My wolf wanted to bite Theros as he held me back, the energy shifting. Terror widened my eyes, a devious smile darkened her determined face.

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