Chapter Fifteen: The Repairs Continue

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Everyone was acting weirder than usual, dodging my question. The first clue was the fact that everything was already set up, and the boys were already gone. Sighing to myself, I was happy that Hudson was making new friends. Finishing up the food, everything was ready to eat. The woman who helped never really warmed up to me, but it was all to be expected. Here I stood, doomed to be hated for the rest of my life. Tears welled in my eyes, my fingers digging into my palms. Dismay dimmed my eyes, the sound of a car approaching exciting me. James' car pulled up just in time, my Hudson nowhere to be seen. His scent wrapped around me, his strong arms wrapping around my tiny bump. His hair brushed against my neck, his gentle eyes gazing into mine lovingly. A sly grin danced across my face, I was going to figure everything out. Spinning around to face him, lips kissed mine sensually as his hand slid down my back. James cleared his throat, everyone staring at him. A honk in the far distance alerted me, the fellow clan members trembling with excitement. Something was off her, Hudson tying a black silk piece of fabric around my eyes. Surprises always scared me, cold sweat soaking my skin.

"You guys aren't going to kidnap me, are you?" I questioned cautiously, Hudson chuckling to himself. "This is the literal beginning of every horror movie." His inner wolf told me to be patient, my inner wolf barking back at him. Rumbling broke the still air, the smell of leaded gas wafting up my nose. Hudson untied my blind fold, my jaw dropping to the ground. Tears welled up in my eyes, Hudson pressing the keys into my palms. In front of me sat a green Mercedes-Benz 280 SEL 4.5. Turning back to the village people, then to Grayson and James. Grayson cleared his throat, stepping in front of James. Bowing his head in shame, he crossed his hands. This new version of him was rather pleasant, hopefully he keeps growing in the right direction.

"This is an apology gift from all of us for treating you like crap." He stuttered anxiously, Hudson pulling me closer to his waist. "So will you accept our apology." A million emotions were running around in my head, the actual Bates Motel car sitting in front of me. No words came to my lips for the first time in my life, wondering if they all really had chipped in to give me this car. A soft blush rose to my cheek, tears streaming down my cheeks. Maybe they didn't mind me after all, the key feeling heavy in my palm.

"Thank you so much." I stammered nervously, my hormones only this way worse. "I love it. I already forgave you guys a long time ago. I am so humbled by this. Thank you for caring. Now let's eat." Devin turned the car off, tossing me the spare key. Mouthing thank you to him, he ducked out of the way. Hudson shoved the keys into his pocket, his crooked grin making me happier. Guiding me to the head table, he left me alone as he went to go get some food. Guilt ate me, I had taken some money from everyone. Stop it! They thought kindly enough to get you an apology gift, so accept it with the joy that was screaming inside of you. Setting down a plate with a hot dog with mustard and a large pile of potato salad, all of waiting for everyone else to begin to eat. Holding each other's hands, we created a human chain. Hudson cleared his throat, everyone bowing their heads.

"Thank you my moon goddess for this meal. We will howl in your honor, and again thank you." He proclaimed cheerfully, all us howling. Letting go of each other's hands, we all howled. Moonie floated up high in the sky, waving at me. Her robes fluttered in the breeze, her silky hair floating around her face. Shooting me a thumbs up, she hopped onto a cloud and drifted away. Cluttered chatter filled the air, everyone talking with their friends. Sitting silently, a wave of nausea hit me as the smell of the potato salad made me sick. Covering my mouth, my appetite ran away. Excusing myself, Hudson followed. Fresh tears welled up in my eyes, the pain of me not being able to eat my favorite side dish torturing me. A goofy grin illuminated his face, a chuckle tumbling from his lips.

"What is so funny?" I wept softly, clutching my stomach. "Potato salad is so good, and I can't have it." Scooping me up, he carried me upstairs to our bedroom. A fever burned on my cheeks, cold sweat soaking my skin. Handing me the empty trashcan, breakfast flew up my throat. Maybe the morning sickness was beginning earlier, just not as loud.

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