Chapter Twelve: A Rogue Turns to Nine

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Watching her work made me see her in a different light, she truthfully was the best Luna for this clan. Setting her pen down, she leapt off of my lap. Walking out of the room, she came back with a cup of coffee.

"One cream and two sugar, just as you like it." She chirped cheerfully, passing me the cup. "I ironed out the budget, and approved several requests." Gripping the hem of her sweater, my eye fell on the bruise on her jaw. Covering it up with her hands, my mind flashed back to when she was in school constantly covering her face with her hair.

"I can punish him for hitting him." I growled through gritted teeth, my fingers digging into my desk. "I can kick h-" Her lips kissed my lips sensually, her hands sliding my thigh. Stopping on my hard cock, her lips brushed the nape of my neck.

"I had his wife in a compromising position." She whispered in my ear huskily, undoing the button. "We should invite all of the werewolf clans to train with us. Now how about a break. Continue working. Let me be the naughty secretary you always wanted." Sliding down in between my legs, she unzipped my pants. My hard cock flipped out, her sweet lips wrapping around it. The door opened, James peeking in. Putting her finger to her mouth, she continued to blow me.

"We have an emergency." James stuttered nervously, holding his clipboard. "A rogue werewolf has blown into town, and he is currently trying to eat Stephan. No one will defend him." The desk shook, her head popping up. A soft blush burned on his cheeks, a snarl curled on her lips.

"So what if we were doing something." She snapped icily, my trembling fingers struggling to button up my pants over my hard cock. "I am going to deal with this." Sprinting out of the office, I could barely keep up with her. Hopping out of the open window, dirt blew all around her.

"So the blood maiden does exist." A rough looking black haired man mused playfully, running his hand through his sweaty black hair. "I was sent here by your grandfather to kill you, but this rat tried to defend you." Tossing Stephan towards my feet, his beat up body rolled to a stop at my boots. Motioning towards Latia, she nodded as she took him inside the cabin. Hudson stood next to me, a machete with a rough wooden handle spinning in his palm.

"I am going to have to kill you." I threatened hotly, a snarl curling on my lips. "Leave now if you want to live." Cocking his head, he stuck out his tongue. Rage boiled in my veins, her lip twitching irritably.

"I am going to have to decline. There is a two million dollar reward over your head." He gloated gleefully, shoving his hands into his worn black jeans. "I kind of need that money for a special reason." Tears welled up in his eyes, Evie stepping in front of me. Standing inches from him, she took his hands. Cloudiness fogged up her eyes, the rogue werewolf standing still. Tears streamed down her cheeks, sobs wracking the six foot tall ragged looking guy. Letting go, she stumbled back.

"I don't want to kill you." She stuttered in a broken tone, horror widening his eyes. "He has kidnapped several werewolves, and they all need our help. Two dead werewolves are guarding them. Also I promise to help you and your mother out. Don't be scared, Desmond. Goddess of time, open up a pathway to the trapped souls." White energy swirled around her arm, James running out just as we walked through the portal. A rotting warehouse loomed in front of us, several different energies blared out at me. Two gray werewolves guarded the only door in, nearly blending in with the gray concrete. Snapping her fingers, the portal disappeared. Howls erupted around me, the two pairs of golden eyes whipped in our direction. Dust blew around us, the two giant wolves pounding towards us. Shifting through my boots, I tossed them a pair of silver blades wrapped in black leather.

"Don't touch anything but the handle." She warned quietly, spinning her own blade in my palm. "Let's not die, okay!" She shot me a warm smile, launching from the bushes. The wolves darted towards her, the dirt crunching underneath our feet as we came to her defense. Ash rained down around, our blades sinking into their bodies. Teeth gnashed in our faces, purple venom dripping from the corner of their snouts. Cold sweat dripped off of my brow, terror paralyzing my body. Twenty dead werewolves limped out of the woods, the three of us standing back to back.

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