Chapter Thirty-Nine: A Milkshake to a New Job

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Sitting up against the headrest of our bed, my hands rested on my bump. Once again sleep had evaded me, the gifts resting on our bureau. Why did they all have to care so much? Hudson slumbered away next to me, Latia popped her head in. Her fluffy lilac robe emphasized her bump, a tired smile on her lips. Whatever she had in her hands smelled so good, her brows raised in suspicion. A bit of drool dripped from the corner of my lip, quiet giggles tumbling from her lips.

"I was a little hungry, and couldn't sleep. Meet me downstairs, and we will watch a horror movie or something. " She whispered softly, attempting not to wake anybody up. "Get dressed and hang out with me just like old times. Meet you downstairs." Bouncing downstairs, Hudson stirred awake. The mattress squeaked as he sat up, his hands rubbing his eyes groggily.

"Why are you up?" He groaned with a yawn, his arms stretching towards the ceiling. "I am going back to bed. Have fun with Latia." Laying back down, my fingers wrapped around one of Hudson's many black t-shirts. Tossing it over my head, my bare feet pounded downstairs. Skidding into the living room, a blanket already covered her lap. Leaping onto the couch, she lifted up the bowl. Stealing some of her blanket, a horror movie waited to be played. Pressing play, images flashed across the screen.

"I miss you. You haven't been around as much. Do you want to have a girl's day out?" She asked happily, my fingers gripping the blanket. That certainly sounded nice, but Marie had her damn tentacles out looking for me. She had declared war on me after all, my lips pressing into a thin line. Tears welled up in my eyes, the sensation of not being safe washing over me. Laying my head down on her lap, her fingers played with my hair. Biting her lips, she knew that I wasn't okay.

"Tell me what you saw." She sighed calmly, setting the food aside. "I can always tell when something is wrong." Shaking my head, she didn't need to know quite yet. Unfortunately, she wouldn't relent until I caved into her demands. I suppose only good friends pressed on until their goal was achieved.

"The leader of the hunters declared war on me, and I have to save six other people now." I wept softly, sobs escaping my lips. "I only put everyone else in danger, but I made a new friend. Her name is Peony, and she is the new queen of the vampires. I feel like an idiot who just keeps screwing up." Pressing her forehead to mine, teardrops splashed onto my face. Soft cries burst from her lips, her lips quivering. Not sure of what was going on, a stunning admission broke me.

"I saw everything they ever did to you and I did nothing." She wept brokenly, banging her fists on her legs. "I saw all of the bruises on your skin, and did nothing. I am terrible. You know what makes it worse is that you would put it all away to hang out with us. At night I would hear your screams, and bury my head into the pillows. I hated my parents my whole life for doing nothing. I begged them to help you and they said that you deserved everything. I was there every time they bullied you at school. The walls hid me well, and I didn't do anything then either. I am a terrible friend. Instead, I took and took. I am so selfish. I love you like a sister." Sitting up, my arms clutched her to my chest, her tears soaking the shirt. Rubbing her back, Hudson's scent was just around the corner.

"You did the right thing." I promised sweetly, confusion dawning in her eyes. "You guys made my day. Every second I spent with you made it all worth it. You were even younger than us. There was nothing you could have done. Now don't be silly. You did more than everyone else. You begged for them to do something about it, so thanks for that. I am sorry for being so loud." Wiping away her tears, the feeling of pity only made the pills of my past harder to swallow. What did she expect to do? The alpha always had the final say, and his say was that everyone was to turn a blind eye to the abuse.

"I feel like I could have done something." Hudson said shamefully, bowing his head. "I could have done something." Both of us looked up, his empty footfalls entering the room. Sitting in front of the couch, the same look dimmed both of their eyes. Leaping off the couch, I danced in front of them. Surprise rounded their eyes, my hands offered out to them. No one deserved to be this sad for me, the mood needed to be lifted. Ignoring their rejection, my feet bounced upstairs. Shifting through the room, my fingers curled around the edges of a wooden box. Sprinting down the hall, the cool air rushed around me as I slid down the railing. Skidding into the living room, both of them were just staring at each other. Slamming the box on the coffee table, my trembling fingers opened up the lid. Shoving a couple of barrettes in her direction, the pink strawberries twinkling in the flashing light of the television.

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