Chapter Sixty-Five: A Favor for a Friend

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Wandering around the demon village, the little children ran up to me. Master Nuit called me out here for some reason, and he couldn't even greet me. Smiling warmly at them, I answered their questions. The wives poked their heads out, apologetic smiles meeting my sympathetic expression. No worries had to be sent my way, I loved every moment I got to spend with the blithe children. Seeing them run around freely had been my goal after all, the wives finally able to focus on enjoying life. Nuit cleared his throat, the children bouncing back into their homes. Hooking his elbow around mine, his velvet navy suit made him look sharp. Running his free hand through his hair, something hid behind his eyes. Impatient words sat on the tip of his tongue, every syllable begging to be set free. Out with your request my dear friend.

"I need your help on something. We need to break into Hell's armory." He choked out with a nervous grin. "I was kind of hoping your father could join us as well. There are only two keys and he has one of them." Rolling my eyes, my father appeared in front of him with a black skeletal scythe hanging over his shoulders. His black and white pin striped suit hugged his body, his eyes meeting Nuit. A quiet animosity brewed between him, my father not quite trusting him yet. Understanding why, he did bring my parents back to life. All of that was water was under the bridge in my humble opinion.

"You called?" He queried impatiently, cocking his head to the left. "Just what do you need from the armory?" Embracing me quickly, he made sure to hover close behind me. A nervous Nuit stepped back, a nervous chuckle pouring from his lips. Crossing his hands, two dogs growled behind the boys. This wasn't supposed to be a tug of war style of power, my hands raising putting an end to their tense stand down. None of this bullshit was necessary, the request clearly important enough for Nuit to be nervous to even ask it.

"I am looking for my father's blood ruby dagger. It was confiscated from him two centuries ago." He huffed irritably, folding his arms across his chest. "I was supposed to inherit the damn thing because it is a fucking key to something he left me. Maybe it could help us." Chanting next to me, a red door appeared in front of us. The door swung open, dread bubbled in my gut the moment we crossed. The door slammed shut behind us, our only way out fading away. An endless sea of black sand crunched underneath my boots, my old man hiding us behind some kind of ruins. Stepping forward, the guards perked up at him. Letting him in, a stern gaze told us to be quiet. A long hour passed, Nuit and I struggled with our nerves. What the fuck was taking so long? Even my patience was wearing thin. Oriont marched towards the door, his onyx robes fluttering around him. Shouting at the guards, his fist banged on the door. Somebody was never told no, I joked lightly to myself. Something seemed off, Nuit trembling next to me. What had him shaking in his boots?

"Why are you in my armory, you rotten bastard! I didn't give you fucking permission!" He barked viciously, rage simmering in his inky eyes. "If Nuit is with you, you are dead!" Nuit held me back, every cell in my body wanting to attack. Pinning me to the wall, my knees met his nuts. Letting out a slow squeak, he sank to the ground. Seconds from charging the bastard, Death stepped out with another worn scythe. There was no way this spoiled brat was going to lay a hand on my father.

"You know I keep my scythes here, you freaking idiot. I have a new reaper and he needs his scythe to get around properly. A blood ruby peeked out of his jacket's inner pocket, his shoulders hitting him as he walked by. Turning his back, Oriont pulled out his blades from behind his back. Swinging them towards his neck, Nuit cried out in protest the moment I smashed into my father's body. Blocking the attack with a golden shield, my fingers curled around the dagger around my neck. Expanding into its scythe, ice crept out underneath me. Mouthing a silent spell, a spike of ice pierced Nuit's shoulder. Dragging him back by the string connecting us, a golden portal sucked us into a random place. Wrapping their bodies around me, concrete cracked underneath us. Groaning bitterly, their arms let me go. Struggling to our feet, hot sunshine threatened to cook me alive. Glancing around palm trees lined the streets, a familiar voice called out to us. Oriont let out a massive fit of maniacal laughter, his inky eyes falling on us. Somebody didn't take their medicine today.

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