Chapter Thirty-Seven: A Deal with Death

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Resting in our bed, the smile never left her face. Grappy and Bloodsworth rested in their own room, their noises keeping me up all night. The door burst open, Peony crashing onto the bed. Her eyebrow twitched with annoyance, her arms catching Peony. Tossing her to the side, Peony whimpered on the floor.

"I just wanted to say hi." She sobbed wildly, tears of frustration flooding from her eyes. "I missed you so much. Gabrielle said that I could visit anytime." A snarl curled on her lips, her fingernails digging into the mattress. Swinging my legs over the edge of the bed, scarlet burned my cheeks the moment I realized I was naked. Tossing one of his black t-shirts over my head, I crouched down to her level. Her face was buried in her palms, her long pink hair brushing the floor. Rosy pink feather wings burst from her back, my breath hitching at the beauty of them. Embracing her warmly, her head snuggled into my shoulder. Ruffling the top of her hair, my finger lifted up her chin.

"Honestly, you are acting like a dog begging for its master." I mused playfully, her face softening to an excited grin. "How about we hang out once a week, and call it a deal? I don't care what we do, but we can have fun. In fact, we can do that today if you want." A squeal escaped her lips, her tiny body melting further into my arms. Carrying her out of the room, she protested as I closed the door. A soft whine left her lips, my face inches from hers.

"I need to get dressed, so just hang tight." I chirped cheerfully, a defiant twinkle sparkling in her eyes. "In fact, I bet your father would love to talk to you. Oh, Bloodsworth!" Her hands waved in protest, her father running up to her. Shooting daggers in my direction, that was for waking me up too early. Tossing the shirt onto the bed, Hudson wrapped his arm around my bump. Brushing lips against the nape of my neck, shivers shot up my spine. Spinning me around, his lips pressed mine sensually. Melting into chest, his chiseled body caused my thighs to rub together. He felt so right, his heart pounding out of his chest. How could I be so lucky to have him in my life?

"You really attract people, don't you." He joked tenderly, pulling out a black sweater and black leather skirt. "She even tried to kill you." Chuckling warmly to himself, his loving gaze never left mine. Swinging me underneath him, a tender blush rose to our cheeks. His handsome face hovered inches from mine, my heart fluttering.

"I really love you." He admitted sheepishly, his eyes never leaving mine. "I am so lucky to have grown up with you." Slithering out of his arms, he hovered behind me. Throwing on a pair of black jeans and a black t-shirt, he whined softly, Pulling on my outfit, a quizzical look dawned on his face the moment I bounced up to him. Cupping his face, my lips locked with his sweetly. A goofy grin curled on his lips the moment I released him, my boots pounded towards the door. Pausing at the door, my real smile flickered onto my face.

"I love you, Hudson. I always have." I returned lovingly, turning the knob. "Be ready for dessert tonight. I have to help a friend. Don't worry, I will be right back. Peony probably just needed to get out." Leaving the room, James ran up to him with his clipboard. Clapping his hands in his face, Hudson snapped out of his trance. Peony leaned against the wall, her white lace dress gracing her body beautifully. Wrapping her arms around my waist, she leaped out of my window. The cold morning air lashed at my cheeks, my hair fluttering in the wind. A playful smile lit up her face, the trees growing sparser. Landing gracefully in the parking lot of a black movie theater, she dragged me in. Folding her wings away, pink feathers drifted aimlessly to my feet. Putting two fingers in the air, the pale face of a goth teen fell as she slid two tickets across.

"You know that you two are the only ones here." She complained bitterly, adjusting her scarlet colored hair. "You're lucky that you are a regular." Sliding over a bag of popcorn and two cans of orange soda, the goth teen adjusted her black rockabilly dress the moment she crashed back into the worn rolling chair. Giggling jovially, her dainty hand wrapping around mine. Flying through the doors, she slammed me down in the middle row. Smiling quietly to myself, her bright personality could cheer anyone up.  

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