Chapter Forty-Five: An Alpha's Past Comes to Life

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The harsh wooden walls of the courtroom taunted me, a trembling Stephan couldn't sit still in one of Hudson's spare navy suits. Decklin Morgan dusted off his black Italian suit, his briefcase taking up his whole lap. The evidence we had gathered filled it to the brim, my own cream sweater dress made me feel under dressed, the black blazer seeming to be the only thing saving it. Clutching my purse to my chest, the various judges' faces stared back at me. A petite woman in a tight dark blazer and trousers called us in, her pink blouse was the only color to match her colorful aura. Adjusting her dirty blonde bun, Stephan seated himself at the desk to the left while some snotty nose blonde hair brat chatted with an expensive looking lawyer in a designer suit that cost more than a down payment on a house. A black aura drew me to a short chubby woman in a tight leopard dress and perfect blond hair, her ruby sweater clashing with her scarlet heels. The daggers she shot in my direction could have killed any normal person but my patience was already wearing thin. Sitting up taller, the security person called for us all to rise. My anxiety ate at me, that incessant family really should have given up the lawsuit. They attacked him, the punches had been thrown in defense. A judge with tight gray curls around her her tiny face sat down, her hammer banging on the dark wooden gavel. My eyes traced every line of the sleek white marble bench, a cranky looking woman gearing up to type a mile a minute. The three ring circus began, a migraine throbbed violently. A dark energy throbbed in the corner, black smoke floated on the ceiling. Ruby eyes glowed in the center of the mass, my leg beginning to shake. Unable to focus on the trial, the mass kept stealing my attention. Another energy bothered me, another white wolf plopping down next to me. His gentle hazel eyes watched me intensely, his head turning up to the ceiling.

"I am Puck Solstain. That is a nasty demon on the ceiling, huh?" He introduced himself quietly, his eyes falling on the trial at hand. "I would like to get coffee after this all goes in your favor. Grappy can come or is that what you call him? I am ready to join you. Us white furs have to stick together." My lips parted to speak, the video of the fight silencing the courtroom. Tears welled up in my eyes, the sight of Stephan getting kicked broke my heart. The fight had been my fault. If only I had simply let them stay home, none of us would be here. Moving on to closing arguments, the judge listened with a stern expression. My face paled, the demon scurrying out the crack in the window

"I am Evie, the white wolf with the reaper's eye." I introduced myself anxiously, chewing on my nails. "I would love coffee but these days I want to simply stay home. The only reason I felt safe enough to be here is because the courthouse was a neutral ground. The list seemed impossibly short, only a few places had become permanent. One coffee shop down the street had earned a spot on the list, the prospects of ever being safe again dwindling before my eyes.

"There is one place we can go where all monsters are safe." I suggested quietly, the security person ordering the defendant to rise. All eyes fell on the judge, her ocean blue eyes shone with conviction. Waiting with bated breath, the next words woke me up from the fog in my brain.

"The lawsuit is being tossed out. " The judge announced, hitting the gavel. A cheer erupted from my lips as Stephan crashed into my arms. Spinning me around, his eyes narrowed in Puck's direction. Examining his white t-shirt and jean combo, his brow cocked in response. Puck ran his hands through his short but fluffy white hair offering his hand to Stephan. The plaintiff's mother marched up to me, the crack of her hand slapping my face stunning everyone. Tears welled up in my eyes, the slap stinging quite a bit.

"You fucking bitch!" She shrieked uncontrollably in my face, her spit almost landing in my eyes. "He hurt my boy! He hurt my boy!" Her hand raised once more, my hand catching her arm in the middle of her next slap.  A snarl curled on my lips, her words eating at me. Throwing her arm down, my face was inches from hers.

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