Chapter Twenty-Two: A Funeral and New Friends

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Evie was busy in the kitchen, Selena working away next to her. The fake smile dimmed her face, the cooking keeping her busy. Someone called her name down the hall, her black sweater dress hugging her body. Tossing a black blazer over her dress, she ran out into the hall. The distant look in her eyes told me that she was not ready for today, her emotional bottle ready to explode again for the second day in a row. Playing with the hem of her dress, she was ready to run and hide.

"I need you to see if we wrapped the bodies right." Latia prodded her gingerly, dragging her outside. Watching from the window, Selena's heels clicked up to me. Tapping me on the shoulder, this damn suit feeling oppressive. The black shirt dress shirt blended in with my black suit, her tender voice relaxing my muscles. Her hair was pulled into a simple bun, the grief wearing at her.

"Is she okay?" She asked cautiously, drying off her hands. "She hasn't said a single word all morning. I tried to get her to talk about it, but she refuses to talk about anything. I feel like we're at square one with her. I get the sense that she was closed off before, and you got her to open up. I miss my brother a lot, and the look she keeps giving me a guilty look." Wiping the tears from her eyes, James wrapped his arms around her waist. Kissing the top of her head, she cupped his hands. Looking extra fancy today, his black suit matched mine. A blue rose stuck out of his pocket, his shaking fingers adjusting it. His blue eyes welled up in tears, his wolf feeling Selena's grief. My wolf was screaming out for her wolf to calm down, her emotions fogging up my head. Stepping outside, Evie was tying the knots. Identifying them was a pain in the ass, a separate ceremony was to be held later for the fire starter. Placing a personal item of each person, a couple of honks snapped her out of the trance. Motioning for them to open the gate, the alphas came in with the respective family members. The clan all watched from their homes, making Evie feel more like an outsider. Greeting them warmly, she allowed the family members to go to their loved ones. A couple tried to run at her, their alphas keeping them in check. The sea of black suits and black dresses spread across the common, the tensions rather high. Alpha Evan wrapped her arm around his elbow, the other ones protecting her from angry werewolves. James and Selena walked out, her clan welcoming her. Jealousy flashed in Evie's eyes, a snarl curling on her lips. The hurt broke her soul, dark thoughts bouncing around her head. A black shadow darted behind all of them, the scent of the banished members catching my nostrils. Leaping out of their circle protection, Lucian's hair danced as he spun around. Five white wolves bounded towards the funeral, Evie leaping into action. Black vines snapped in their direction, wrapping around their paws. Everyone watched in childlike wonder, orange flames devouring her vines. Yips of pain rang out in the still air, a ring of ice protecting them. Looking up at the sky for a second, the lead wolf's blue eyes glowered into her brown eyes. Her bones cracked, her dress ripping to shreds as body transformed into her wolf. Her white fur danced in the breeze, her brown eyes narrowing. Charging at them, the clan members came out of their homes. Teeth sank into her side, her claws tearing into the sides of her opponents. Ignoring the pain, my inner wolf yipped in raw agony along with hers. Blood matted her fur, the leader bounding towards the crowd. A silver bullet whizzed by her head, Evan shooting the white wolves around her down. The lead rogue was inches from Hudson, her teeth sinking into his side. Snarls erupted from their snouts, blood raining all around us. Tossing him around, his claws dug into her sides. Latia pleaded for her to stop, blood squirted all over her muzzle as her teeth ripped out his throat. The warm tissues and ligaments squirmed in her mouth, blood painting the dirt red. My vision blurred, his throat splashing into the pool of blood underneath her red paws. Leaping over the wall, the urge to run dominated hers and my mind. Trees flashed by me as I chased after her, my wolf yelping for me to chase her faster. A trail of blood followed her, bloody paw prints telling me where she was going. Skidding to a stop, her body was hurting. Curling into a ball, a howl exploded from her snout. Blood pooled around her trembling body, the blood painting her fur red. Voices called out to me, my inner wolf telling me to run. The pain of her wounds slapping me in my face, her form fading back to human. My wolf told me to help her, the smell of a vampire poisoning the air. Watching from a distance, Bloodsworth held me back. His look told me that she needed a second with him, my eyes scanning his silk scarlet Victorian suit. Did he always have to dress up like he was going to a ball?

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