Chapter Thirty-Four: A New Eye and New Deal

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Her red eye was twitching wildly, the dagger floating into her hand. The sheer look of terror on her face frightening the wits out of me, her collapsing into my arms as she fainted. Fanning her face, Grappy and Theros stood over us. The two of them stopped their pathetic little jealousy filled spat, my eyes rolling. Worry plagued their eyes, deep frowns plastering themselves onto their lips. Her chest rose up and down, quiet rage seethed in Theros' eyes. A growl thundered in his throat, his fist slamming into the back of my head.

"Do you know how dangerous a reaper's eye can be?" He demanded hotly, my hand rubbing the back of my head. "It can kill the user if that blade isn't on their person. Hell, she probably just saw a reaper. That shit is scary. If she dies because of that, I will rip out your throat myself." Taking his threat seriously, a chill ran up my spine. His love for her knew no bounds, the rest of stepping back cautiously. Snapping awake, she jumped to her feet. Slamming her foot into Theros' groin, he crumbled into a heap. A pathetic whine escaped his lips, the whine of a balloon a couple octaves higher. Pressing the heel of her boot into his chest, a snarl curled on her lips.

"I used that dagger upon my own volition, Theros! He didn't even know that I had it." She retorted sarcastically, ripping off her dress. "I am so sick of everything. Pick whatever tuxedo you fucking want, I am out! It'd be good to leave me the fuck alone. I am going to fix the damage I caused." Pulling her other dress over her head, the two of them hung back with me. Slamming the door behind her, a warm gust of air blew our hair back. A dark cloud hung over our heads, knowing that we all screwed up. Theros struggled to his feet, cupping his balls. Clearing his throat, we all turned to each other.

"Maybe we should give her some space?" Theros suggested cautiously, Grappy already gone. "Well, he's gone. Did you cut his hair because of me?" Bloodsworth narrowed his eyes, the tension building once more. Waving my hands around, this wasn't going to do. The fucking Testorone could just die down now, my eyebrow twitching. Now I understood why she was steamed, but at the same time I was rather pleased that Grappy was watching her from a distance. Twisting his gray hair into a bun, Bloodsworth cleared his throat. Folding his arms across his chest, a displeased look dimmed his usually twinkling eyes.

"I don't know her that well, but something else is eating at her." Bloodsworth pointed out calmly, picking out our tuxedos. "You know what. Make her something that is her favorite. Oh wait, my future husband destroyed the kitchen. Don't get me wrong, I am fine that they destroyed them all without disturbing the party. That really is a feat within itself. I can't say the same about my guests though. Whatever you do, could you just keep the damage to a minimum? I can't afford much more damage." Placing the tuxedos and dress on the yes rack, he shoved us out of the room. Meandering around, we came to the set of shops in the resort. Turning back around, the destroyed halls led to the similarly destroyed kitchen. Peaking our head around the corner, her dainty hands were laying white tile down with the construction workers. Smiling warmly at them, the quiet look threw us off. She really was a hard worker, not even complaining at all. Looking up, the three of us hid behind the wall. Theros and Grappy turned towards me, eager eyes boring into my skull. Shifting uncomfortably, the look on their faces told me that they wanted answers.

"You grew up with her." Grappy pointed out simply, Theros nodding behind him. "What made her feel better when she was upset?" Shrugging my shoulders, I really didn't know. Her whole life she just hid her emotions away except for that time before prom. Grayson had broken up with her and her broken body ended up in my arms. My girlfriend at the time had been pissed when I canceled on her to help Evie instead, the two of us watching a horror movie in the dark. An idea flashed in my head, the two boys staring at me with confusion.

"How do you boys feel about a horror movie marathon?" I suggested cautiously, the two of them furrowing their brows. "If you two can get along, I think that she will feel a lot better. So is there a movie theater around here or what?" Pulling out their phones, the local movie theater was playing the most recent horror movie. Sensing a familiar energy, an irritated Evie towered over us. Her eyebrow twitched, the corner of her lips twitching.

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