Chapter Forty-Seven: The Little Pearl and the White Wolf

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Pearl watched me cook dinner, her head rested on her hands. Her waves cascaded over the counter, a pair of pink glasses rested on her nose. A pearl bracelet dangled from her wrists, her lips curling into a quiet smile.  Her gentle demeanor  matched her Victorian style clothing.  

"Thank you." She whispered softly, my fingers drumming on the table. "I promise to behave for you." Sliding her a plate of fruit, my eager eyes watched her. Curiosity burned in my mind, the fact that this little girl had a reaper's gem infuriated me. Her whole life was ahead of her, Puck plopping down next to her. Stealing a piece of her fruit, her lips formed a pout.  How could a child look so serious but adorable at the same time? 

"I want you to be a kid. Enjoy your life." I urged oddly, not knowing what to say. "I apologize for any mistakes ahead of time. I am new to this kid thing. How come I found you in the bakery? Can I find your parents for you? " Setting her grape down, she turned to leave. The question pushed her away, my fangs chewing on my lips. Adjusting her frilly dress, her dress shoes clacked on the floor. Refusing to look at me, her arms folded across her chest. Her sharp eyes sent chills up my spine, her quivering frown put me in my place. 

"They abandoned me in the bakery." She barked hotly, clenching her fists. "Watching them drive away was the hardest thing in my life. Then you showed up with Death. I am surprised you even want me. I was born with a pearl in my eyes. My parents didn't even register my birth. Please leave m-" Surprise rounded her eyes, Puck's warm embrace stunned her into silence. Holding her shoulders, his face was inches from hers. The scene caused a pleasant smile to curl on my lips. 

"You are in a safe home here. We all care about you." He assured her in a fatherly tone, Daryll wandering in. "I know somebody who can draw up adoption paperwork. I just need you to pick a parent." Tapping her chin, her eyes flitted between him and me. A tired grin brightened her face, her finger pointing to him. Scarlet colored his cheeks, a crooked grin dancing across my lips. The choice had always been hers, her wicked grin stealing away my worries.

"I want you to be my father." She admitted adorably, digging at the floor with her shoe. "Then he can be my big brother. I have always wanted to be a little sister. No offense, Evie gives off an aunt vibe." Shrugging my shoulders, my only goal was for her to be happy. Puck would be a worthy father, my heart fluttering at the sight of Hudson wandering in. Daryll rubbed the back of his neck, uncertain on how to react to her words. Wrapping his arms around my shoulder, his chin rested on my head. Kissing the top of his hands, his scent relaxed my frayed nerves.  Hudson's affection seemed to know no bounds lately,  his inner wolf wanting to have his way with me all the time.  

"I promise to be the greatest big brother." He proclaimed with a bright smile, her grin growing wider. "Do you need help with dinner? I am feeling kind of bored. I did all of my homework with Raven's help of course. Athena scares me." His gentle nature reminded me of my younger self, always ready to help. Hudson ran his hands up my thigh, a sly grin met mine. 

"I would cook the food at home. My mother was always too drunk to care of me anyways." He continued calmly, ruffling the top of Pearl's head as he crouched down to her level. "You are a very pretty girl who is going to break so many hearts. Do you want to hang out with my friends and me tomorrow? It's finally the weekend after all." Pulling her fists close to her chest, a squeal squeaked its way out. Ah! To be young. 

"You really think so?" She queried shyly, twisting her foot again. "I promise to be the greatest little sister I can be." Giving each other high fives, the moment touched my aching heart. Rising to his feet, Daryll shot her a thumbs. Puck smoothed out his black t-shirt, her fingers pointing to the backyard. Running out, Hudson spun me around. Kissing me hungrily, my body arched towards him. My thighs rubbed together, my heart was seconds from beating out of my chest. A soft gasp left my lips, his other hand running up my thigh. Something caught my eyes, his shirt was light blue. His emerald eyes glistened with excitement, the eagerness on his face melting my heart. The color of his eyes were emphasized by the green undertone, his pale skin glowing  brighter.

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