Chapter Forty-Three: A Raven Loses her Nest

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The sound of Raven vomiting woke me up, Stephan pounded down the hall. Poking my head out, Hudson leaned his chin on my head. Rubbing his eyes, Raven began to cry out in frustration. Checking the time, she still had another couple of hours to get ready for school. Hudson pulled a sweatshirt over my head, Latia wandered down the hall. Her baby bump had doubled in size overnight. Rubbing my own, Raven crashed down the hall. Stephan shrugged his shoulders, Hudson shoving me into the hall. Knocking the wall, a teary eyed Raven looked up at me. Leaping into my arms, she was only in her junior year in high school. Her tears soaked my shoulder, fright rounded her eyes.

"Everyone is going to avoid me like the plague. My friends have already ditched me." She sobbed violently, Stephan showing me her phone. "Everyone is being so mean." Tears of rage swam in my eyes, a post calling her a whore infuriated me. Scrolling down the comments, harsh words cut me as deep as it did her. The worst one claimed that she murdered her mother, Raven screamed into my shoulder. What should I do? School had been my safe place because werewolves mixed in with the humans. The humans were being meaner than the werewolves, several werewolves sticking up for her. Lifting up her chin with my finger, fear dimmed her eyes. None of my life had prepared me for this, my only response was to bow my head in shame and let them taunt me endlessly. She shouldn't have to act as if she had done something wrong. Her road ahead was going to be tough and lined with sacrifice, the inner wolf wanted to burn all of her bullies to the ground.  

"Fuck them." I said simply, confusion twisting her face. "Stephan is going with you, correct? He will stand by your side no matter what those bitches say. Don't let them bully you. You can't let them win. Hold your head up high, and know that you are loved by the fellow werewolves in the school. Latch onto them and they will protect you."Burying her head back into my shoulder, her newly grown claws tore at my sweatshirt.

"I can't!" She shouted venomously, Stephan beginning to pace back and forth. "I am not as strong as you." Ruffling the top of her head, her claws retracting. Resting her head on my chest, Latia rushed to her side. Embracing her warmly, Raven flashed me a sad smile. Wiping her tears away, she leapt to her feet. Placing her hands on her hips, a defiant grin livened her face.

"I will do my best to impress you, Evie!" She announced boldly, Stephan watched her cautiously. "I have to get some sleep for tomorrow. Out you all go." Great, now she was handling her emotions as well I did. The records wouldn't show that I did well in that department, Shoving us out, sleep chose to evade me. A shrill alarm awaited me in a couple of hours, Hudson yanking me into the room. Sitting me down on the bed, he began to pace back and forth.

"They are going to treat her as horribly as they treated you!" He roared thunderously, my face paling at his panic. "I don't want another version of you running around!" His words stung, my eyes narrowing in his direction. How the hell would he know? Bullies shoved me around, their constant attacks were enough to drown me. Rising to my feet, my fists clenched into a ball. Growls rumbled in my throat, fury simmered in my eyes.

"What the hell would you know about that!' I retorted hotly, circling him. "I was the one they shoved to the floor while you were the fucking quarterback. Everyone loved you no matter what you did. I let you sleep with anyone you wanted while I went home to more bullying from my parents! Screw you! She will have to learn how to stand on her feet!" Hudson's death glare didn't scare me, mine matching his.

"None of that was my fault! You could have dated me and I would have hidden you when you needed it! Part of it is your fault for not asking for help!" He barked ferociously, holding back.
"I loved you my whole life and you always shoved me away! You are driving me insane!" Fighting back tears, he said nothing as I brushed past him. He went too far, my head bowing in shame. Hudson hung back, stewing in his anger. Skidding into the kitchen, the lights refused to turn on. Grabbing a can of juice, I cursed to myself. It was probably another attack from the damn bitch who ordered the death of Raven's mother. Come to think of it, there was a missing link. Sliding on my boots, the dirt crunched with each step towards the ruins of Raven's home. An ominous calm haunted the village, the destroyed home loomed over me. Crossing the threshold, shattered glass cracked underneath me. Kicking it all around, there had to be a trapdoor somewhere around here. Tearing the place apart, nothing explained the attack. Seconds from giving up, a busted safe caught my eye. Scanning for a way to break it open, a crowbar sat not far from me. Smashing it repeatedly, the door squeaked open. Letters to the hunters were exchanged by her husband, the betrayal stabbing me in the heart. The orange rays of the sunrise lit up the sky, it all made sense. Each letter showcased how he wanted his family dead so he could join them, teardrops soaking each page. The shrill ring of my cellphone snapped me back to reality, my hands shoving the letters into my pocket. No one needed to know any of this, the others would be sure to label Raven as a traitor. Shoving them into my pocket, Raven's number flashed on the screen. Ignoring the call, the walk back seemed arduous. Everyone looked up from their breakfast, Raven already dressed in her usual outfit of a sweater and short skirt.

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