Chapter Sixty-Three: Attempting to Break Down the Walls

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Aly stared at me, the two of us eating a bowl of cereal. Not knowing what to say, the empty look in her eyes worried me. Wearing one of my sweaters and pants from my childhood, the fang with her name dangled from her neck. Clearing my throat, my fingers drummed on the table. The spoon clanked as I set it down, my palms pressing together. Something had to crack the mysterious code of Miss Aly, every cog in my mind turning away. Most girls liked shopping but her aura screamed of something else. Shopping wouldn't fix the death of everyone she knew, tears welled up in my eyes. Everything was my fault or at it felt that way.

"Did you want to go shopping or something?" I suggested cautiously, grinning nervously as I shrugged my shoulders. Shaking her head, the loss of her brother and her whole village was affecting her. Tapping my chin, a solution had to be made. My lips parted to speak, her words giving me a much needed pause.

"Can you take me to the science museum? My brother would take me all the time. I want to study marine biology when I get older." She queried shyly, drinking the milk in her bowl. "Also my aunt would home school me, so you will have to do that. I am at the ninth grade level currently." Childlike wonder brightened my eyes, my face falling at the lack of a car. Daryll entered the kitchen with keys spinning on his fingers. Pearl wasn't far behind him, her white frilly dress reminded me of snowflakes. The two of them had become inseparable outside of his lessons, my heart warming up at the sight of them.

"Do you want to hitch a ride with us? We were going to the science museum as well. Pearly here wanted to have a brother-sister day. Grappy can hang with us. He might actually have fun." He offered sincerely, my eyes flitting between Aly and him. Tears welled up in her eyes, her bowl smashing onto the floor. Falling to the floor, she curled up into a ball. Crouching down to level, my bigger bump was making it hard to stay on my heels. Pulling her into a tight embrace, she shoved me to the floor. Running towards the door, her bare feet sprinted towards the wall. Daryll helped me up, the trigger words being brother and sister. Guilt burned in his eyes, his lips pressing into a thin line. The boy did nothing wrong, his expression making the moment that much worse.

"Go have fun." I assured him with a broken smile, stealing away to take off my clothes. Running into the bathroom, they floated to the floor. Cracks and groans filled the air as I transformed into a wolf, the cool morning air lashing at my cheeks the moment I leapt out the window. Something told me that she wasn't an ordinary werewolf, my paws padding towards the wall. Skidding to a halt, the tattered remains of her outfit sprinkled the ground. Walking back a few feet, I sprinted towards the wall. Leaping over the wall, a piece of metal tore at my back leg. A soft whimper poured from my lips, scarlet staining my left hind leg. Landing roughly, my leg cried out in protest. Pushing through the pain, her scent was everywhere. Damn it! She did that to confuse me. Closing my eyes, her heat signature couldn't be found. Touching my paw to my reaper's eyes, the scene darkened to the black and white scene of an old television. Scarlet paw prints showed her path, inky sludge staining the fur around my eyes. Raw agony coursed through my body, my hind leg screaming out in bitter protest. Crunching my way to her, black shadows darted in her direction. Picking up my speed, those demons weren't going to get to her. Skidding to a stop, horror widened my eyes. A dozen demons circled her, my ears pinning back. Her eyes met mine, the demons ditching her to get the ultimate prize. Crashing through the trees, sharp branches tore into my tender flesh. Silent tears mixed with the inky sludge staining my fur, the fear glistening in my eyes. Demons smashed into me, my leg breaking upon the abrupt impact. Rolling through the snow, they raised silver blades in the air. A scarlet wolf smashed into them, her fangs ripping out their throats. More of them emerged from the woods, my leg screaming in protest as I rose to my feet. Ice crept out from underneath my paws, a wall blocking them from hitting her. Tears flowed from her eyes, her body returning back to normal. Another white wolf skidded into the scene, Pearl spun a bomb in her palm. Throwing it into the air, I crashed on top of Aly's body. Metal shards burst from the bomb, the demons howling in pain as they decayed to ash. Metal shards struck my back, intense pain shooting through my body. My vision blurred, Aly stirring awake. Ruby painted my fur like fine strokes, guilt eating at her. Ruby dripped from my snout, my tongue licking her face. The poor girl had nothing to worry about, she was my daughter after all.

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