Chapter Sixty:The Dark Side of the Fangs

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Her mood swings had been terrible, the heat of her temper rising by the day. The volcano has exploded, Raven getting burned in the warpath. Something was eating at her, her mood having darkened since she had to kill her parents. Leaning on my knees, her eyes fluttered open as we pulled up in front of Theros' home. Pushing the door open, she dodged his hug. Leaping over his gate, her boots pounded deeper into the woods. Confusion dawned on our faces, Evie leaping back over with a friend in tow. A starving vampire protested behind her, his matted hair dragged along the ground. Slamming him into the ground in front of her, she dug her heel into his chest. Massaging my forehead, today was not going as planned.

"You are going to tell me where your friends are right now or will stomp your head into a puddle of blood and bone." She threatened icily, hovering a golden ball over his face. "I am not about to let a bunch of bloody fangs harm my little brother." Theros popped up to his feet, his shaking hands dusting off his designer suit.

"Why would I talk to you, you pregnant mutt!" He snarled with a disgusted death glare, Evie sniffing the air. "We will t-" Stomping on his head, horror rounded our eyes. Inky blood covered her boots, her shaking fingers ripping off her dagger. Her scythe unfolded in her eager palms, ice creeping out from underneath her boots. Her hair floated up in the air, storm clouds brewing overhead. Banging the end of her scythe on the ice, a spike of ice shot her up into the air. Landing on the wall, a blizzard howled to life. Grappy attempted to land next to her, a blast of wind knocking him back. Raven stepped out cautiously, her palm catching a pile of snowflakes. Concern replaced the fear in her eyes, Evie disappearing into the night. Daryll peeled off his clothes, shifting into a white wolf. Unsure of what to do, his white tail was the last thing I saw. Raven shoved my blade into my palm, assuring me that she would watch Flynn. Evie tended to be reckless but not this reckless. Locking the back door behind her, a shaky thumbs up from the other side did little to ease my nerves. Lightning crackled around my hand, my reaper's eye going insane. Bouncing around wildly, the damn thing settled down in a matter of seconds. Running up the wall, frigid gusts lashed my cheeks. Theros landed next to me, even the damn vampire was shivering from the cold. The visibility was shit, the two of us using our noses to sniff them out. Crunching through the fresh snow, we skidded to a stop at ice meeting bloody fangs. Daryll growled behind her, his paw thumping against the ground three times. Nodding in his direction, a swift swing beheaded the first row of rogue vampires. Decaying to ash in an instant, three attacked from behind, Daryll whining. Enveloping his body, the rotting vampires bit every inch of her back. Charging in, the numbers were overwhelming. Cutting them back, a grateful Evie gazed up at me. My breath hitched at her raw beauty, her eyes quivering in Theros' direction. Cutting his palms, inky blood pooled around his feet. An inky blackness darkened his eyes, his hair floating. Chanting a spell, Evie begged for him to stop. Yanking me down, a dome of ice covered us. Blood and guts painted the dome, the fear in her eyes alarming. The disgustingly wet sounding rain stopped, the dome melting into water. Soaking us, she struggled to her feet. A deranged Theros twitched inches from us, his claws sliding through her chest. Shock rounded her eyes, his other hand heading for her bump. Blocking it with her hand, his claws ripped apart her hand. Tendons dangled out of the burgeoning holes, her own blood pooling at her feet.

"You need to wake up, Theros!" She wheezed through a wall of tears, ruby pouring from the corner of her lips. "Think about Ruby!" Bearing down on his attack, a wall kept Daryll and me from getting to her. Silent tears streamed down her cheeks, heartbreak mixed with the terror in her eyes. Her pleas fell on deaf ears, ruby painting his face the moment he ripped his claws out. Hot vomit flew up my throat at her bloody hand dangling lifelessly, his claws meeting the blade of her scythe. Each dodge did little to ease my worry, her moves growing sloppier. Gripping her by the throat, a rag doll was the only way to describe her. Pinning her to the tree, each breath grew shorter. A flash of ivory waves caught my eyes, Diamond smashing into him. Holding his wrists to the ground, teardrops soaked his face.

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