Chapter Fifty-One: Revenge gets Served

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Bright lights blinded me, my flat stomach growled. Machines beeped around me, my eyes fell on Flynn. His hearing aids glinted in the light, my eyes scanning the room once more. Chuckling softly to myself, Grappy's head rested on Hudson's shoulders. Susie danced into the room, something seeming off. Her form glitched, my guard up. Cold hands pinned me down, an inky blackness taking over her eyes. Time slowed to a halt, ice crawling up the walls. Unable to move, my body was still too weak.

"Hello." An icy voice sending chills up my spine, the form shifting to a corrupt reaper. "I was sent by my boss to give you a message. You better keep your eyes open because we are everywhere. See you at the next fight." Gripping my arm, an ashy hand print covered half of my forearm. Hiding my panic, my eyes focused on his worn brown robes fluttering in the icy breeze to distract myself. Backing out, the room returned to normal. The real Susie skipped in, her eyes falling on my horror struck face. Sniffing the air, a quiet rage simmered in her eyes. Taking my arm, low growls rumbled in her throat. Focusing on her violet scrubs, her fingers traced the hand print.

"Who did this to you?" She demanded hotly, waking up Grappy and Hudson. "How did they get in here?" Struggling to find the words, worry widened Hudson's eyes. Grappy leapt over the bed, examining my arm.

"Those bastards!" He growled through gritted teeth, his eyebrow twitching irritably. "How many corrupt reapers did you kill?" Confusion dawned in my eyes, his question throwing me off. Clearing my throat, part of me wanted to keep it a secret. The whole event traumatized me to this day, my eyes refusing to meet him. Why couldn't I bring it up?

"I think about five. Why does that matter?" I stammered nervously, Grappy's grip causing fractures to my arm. "I am fine. Could you let go? You are hurting me." Loosening his hold, Death marched into the room. Ripping the tubes out of my hands, my feet swung over the edge. Tearing the gown off of me, my trembling hands pulled on a loose t-shirt dress. How much weight had I lost? Tucking my feet into my boots, concerned eyes watched me walk to the window. My legs felt like jelly but I didn't care. The noise was too much, Death holding me back from jumping out the window. His velvet suit brushed against my skin, my fists smashing into his arms. Something connected us, my mind unable to connect the dots.

"Let me go!" I shouted venomously, everything hitting me at once. Growing limp in his arms, ruby blood dripped onto the floor. Having another group after me shouldn't have been something new, teardrops diluting the pool of blood. Pulling in for a fatherly embrace, he attempted to get rid of the hand print. Nothing was working, his face falling.

"You have been marked by my father. His power surpasses mine." He sighed with defeat, Hudsy groaning bitterly. "The only reason I got the position was because he went rogue. I am sorry you pissed him off. He won't let up until you're deceased." Raw terror rounded my eyes, a splash of fury boiled in my veins. Gritting my teeth, everything was bothering me at the moment. A solitary scream exploded from my lips, my internal frustration leaving with it.

"Whatever. How do I kill him?" I asked simply, my limit having been met. "I can't be cursed forever, damn it! Fuck him! I can't have one day to enjoy my goddamn child! Fuck them all." Grabbing my shoulders, the serious expression sent chills up my spine. Everyone else remained silent, unsure of what to do

"This isn't a hunter you can cut down in a second." He snapped hotly, my heart pounding out of my chest. "That mark is more than a tracking device. It will slowly kill you if you don't win. I am not joking. You have three months left to live." A pin could have dropped, the corner of my lips quivering. Tears welled up in my eyes, my head shaking.

"No. No. No!" I panicked desperately, collapsing to my knees. "I didn't get this far to die because of a stupid curse." The lights flickered, ice spreading across the floor. Storm clouds thundered to life, snow drifting aimlessly. Every tear turned to icicles, the shattering of each one creating a deeper silence. Unable to speak, Death crouched down to my level.

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