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oh hey... I'm back! don't be to to mad at me. I've been having a rough time with having motivation for writing. but now I'm back. so let's get this shit going!!

Ila James
June 22, 2018
New York City

These past two days have been insane. In a good way though. Yesterday was the first of 2 shows here in New York. It was busy and tiring. I was also very stressed. Busy because I am a tour photographer and I was behind on the pictures from Boston, so I had to get them done. Tiring because of having a long night before and trying to entertain my two best friends and my grandma whilst doing my job. I was stressed because I had to take the recreation shot of Harry's infamous photo from when One Direction played at MSG for the first time. Also, I had to make sure I didn't embarrass myself in front of Niall Horan.

Waking up yesterday was weird because I didn't know what Harry was going to remember even though nothing did happen between us. I would have loved to jump his bones that night with how hot he looked. I also didn't want him to think I am always on drugs and shit like that when that's far from it. When we were in college I drank so much and did drugs, that was until senior year I decided that it was okay to party like that but not all the time. I still follow that rule I had given myself.

We talked about it and how much fun it was to go out like that together. We talked more about this Crimson and Niall thing that we discovered. We also went through the pap photos and laughed while looking at them.

The show was fantastic last night. Always is but, it's something about Madison Square Garden. Harry keeps saying it's just the New York air. The girls had fun, my grandma had a great time as well. She may have gotten a little tipsy but that's okay.

Today is the last show here in New York and we leave tomorrow night for D.C. I honestly don't want to leave because that means I have to leave Rosie and my grandma. It is going to be the hardest thing since I haven't gotten to see them in months and now I have to leave again.

With how exhausted both me and Harry are, we asked if there was any way we didn't have to go to the venue until he had a soundcheck at 5 and Jeff agreed. Which he never does but understood why and felt like being nice. So we decided we were going to lay in bed all day and watch movies.

Harry made us coffee and breakfast while I edited some of the photos from last night. These might be some of the best ones I have gotten throughout the tour.

Since he left his bedroom door open, I can hear music coming from the kitchen. I can't put my finger on it but it's a very upbeat track. Wanting to know what it is, I get up from where I am on his bed. Walking down the hallway I now figure out what it is. Crazy On You by Heart, such a classic. Walking closer to the kitchen, I see him there shirtless starting to sing into a kitchen spatula.

"My love is the evenin' breeze touchin' your skin
The gentle, sweet singin' of leaves in the wind
The whisper that calls after you in the night
And kisses your ear in the early moonlight
And you don't need to wonder, you're doing fine
My love, the pleasure's mine
Let me go crazy on you
Crazy on you
Let me go crazy, crazy on you, oh"

Standing at the edge of the hallway leaning with my arms crossed looking at him. Smirking at him having fun, flipping what looks like a pancake. He notices me right after that, smiling back at me. I head over to him and give him a side hug. "Morning loverboy." I hop on the kitchen island so I can watch him cook. "Morning, sweet girl, it's almost done, let me get you your coffee." He goes over to the coffee bar to grab the coffee he already made for me.

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