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im back...
its been a bit but only for good reasons! i wanted to pre-write a lot of the chapters since what os coming is something you all have been waiting for. anywho welcome back to dreamer!!!!

Harry Styles
July 21, 2021

"I DUG MY KEY INTO THE SIDE OF HIS PRETTY LITTLE SOUPED UP FOUR WHEEL DRIVE CARVED MY NAME INTO HIS LEATHER SEATS.." I scream out as Before He Cheats by Carrie Underwood plays from my speakers in my at home gym. Running on the treadmill for some cardio, " I TOOK A LOUISVILLE SLUGGER TO BOTH HEADLIGHTS I SLASHED A HOLE IN ALL FOUR TIRES." turning the treadmill down to a walkable pace, "MAYBE NEXT TIME HE'LL THINK BEFORE HE CHEATS." I walk to the rest of the song.

Once I stop the treadmill I grab my water to take a drink and pat my forehead with a sweat towel. I hear a knock come from the other side of my house. I don't know who it is, I wasn't planning on anyone being here today. Walking out and heading to the front door Bob following me like he always does. Opening the door to find Ila on the other side. I smirk, happy to see her again. She looks me up and down, you can tell she's trying to do it secretly. She bites her bottom lip. "Are you going to come in or are you just going to stand there all day drooling over me." I say chuckling which causes her cheeks to turn bright red from embarrassment. She walks in with two coffees and a paper bag.

"I was in the neighborhood for a meeting so I thought I would bring over coffee and bagels. Sorry for just stopping by without letting you know.." I speak up so that she stops trying to explain herself. "Ila never apologize. I always want to see your pretty face. Makes my day 10 times better." Ila just nods and gives me a small smile. She walks to my kitchen and gets our bagels out. Both being plain bagels with cream cheese and raspberry jam. I grab my coffee already knowing which one mine is. She got an iced latte today. Probably since it is incredibly hot today.

I go ahead and give Bob his breakfast and sit next to Ila at the island so that I can eat. "Were you really in the neighborhood, Miss Ila James?" She rolls her eyes at my question, "yes I actually was and I am taking time out of my busy day of nothing to see my best friend." She giggles, "now eat Harry so that you can shower you smell!" She waves her hand in front of her nose. I push her lightly, "hey that wasn't nice," laughing so that she knows I am not being serious. She nudges me with her shoulder, giggling, "kidding!" We both start laughing and eat our breakfast. In comfortable silence.

Once we finish eating I clean up our garbage while Ila is playing with little Bob in the garden. I head out there and as soon as Bob sees me he runs over to me to get attention. I sit in the grass so that I can play with him. He is the most adorable dog ever. He is easy going and quiet. He also gets along with everyone. Hopefully he gets along with Rosie though. That reminds me that I need to talk to Ila about bringing Bob over to the apartment because if she says yes to joining the team then our pets need to get along.

"Any plans for the rest of the day?" I ask petting Bob , looking up at Ila who is still standing. She sticks her bottom lip out and shakes her head. "No, I mean I have editing to get done but that's it. Why? Do you already have plans for me?" I cackle which leads to both of us belly laughing. Ila sits down so that she doesn't lose her balance. This causes Bob to check on both of us thinking something is wrong with us.

Once we both calm down and I can breathe, "I mean I was going to ask if you want to come to the studio with me. I know you had a blast the last time. And we also haven't seen each other much. You also have to tell me everything about yesterday." Ila rolls her eyes, "fine okay I'll come. It's not like I have anything better to do." Shrugging and then gets up wiping grass off of her legs.

Today she is wearing the pink crewneck from Live on Tour with jean shorts. To pull out the red she is wearing red high top converse. I haven't seen her actually style my merch. I've only seen her wear it lounging around.

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