gonna get married

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Ila James
August 16, 2023
Venice, Italy

Life can get so busy sometimes and it's up to you to just roll with it. Enjoy it while it lasts because life can be so short. Though it's been hectic I would not trade it for the world.

"Ila James get your ass over here and take this shot!" I get pulled out of my thoughts by Blair yelling at me. I run over to the dining room table where all of my bridesmaids are, including my mom and grandma. I grab my designated shot glass that is filled. Crimson and Blair raise their glasses, "to our Ila James," Crimson says, "who will be Ila Styles by this time tomorrow," Blair joins in. "Congratulations bitch we love you." We all clink our glasses and down our shots. "Woooo!" I yell after I put my shot glass down, I am definitely drunk.

I haven't drank like this since I had our little peach; Gracie Rhiannon Styles in February and well actually well before that when I found out I was pregnant.

Dreams do come true.

After I found out I was pregnant and told Harry we quickly searched for an OB just to confirm the pregnancy along with making sure I am good until we got back to the states for his residencies. We knew that this was the most complicated situation ever. Harry understood that I may have to fly back to London once or twice more alone for visits.

We got an appointment for the 20th of June. The OB confirmed that I was already 6 weeks along, which is relatively early on. My pregnancy actually went by with no problems and it was fairly easy. Harry was the best through it all even when I wasn't the easiest to deal with especially when we made it to the third trimester. Harry was over the moon when we found out that Gracie was a little girl. The 'little peach' nickname has stuck strong since the night we found out. To this day I don't know why he calls her that.

Gracie was due on February 9, 2023 but she decided to make her presence to the world on Harry's birthday. My water broke as soon as he blew out his birthday candles. It's like she didn't want her daddy to have all the attention. She came just before midnight at 11:47 pm at night.

Harry and Gracie have been thick as thieves but she doesn't show more attention to one of us than the other. She's attached to each of us.

Life has not been the easiest when it comes to traveling and touring with a newborn, not to mention planning our wedding. But, we made it work and here we are.

Originally we were just going to do a small wedding right before the residences started but I felt that we should wait until the baby was born so that she could be a part of our special day. So here we are in Venice Italy the night before the wedding.

I said I would be back with Harry and our family in Northern Italy.

Never did I think that I would be marrying him here.

I didn't want anything fancy but Harry decided otherwise and wouldnt take no for an answer. He wanted to do something special since I just had Gracie six months ago and thought we deserve it. Crimson and Blair set up a bachelorette party for tonight, baby free. I love them so much. It's also nice because I couldn't celebrate with them for Crimson's engagement in March. So we finally get to celebrate lots of things.

"Ila I can't believe you are the first to get married out of us," Crimson laughs out. I roll my eyes, "oh come on like you two seemed like you'd settle down first." I laugh out before taking a sip of my glass of wine. Deciding that this has to be the last drink of mine. I am drunk and I havent had as much as I used to have but I just had a baby. So who knows I could have my first ever hangover. "I forgot to ask who has the kids?" Maddie asks both me and Sarah. We both look at each other and both answer her at the same time, "the boys."

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