15//dream a little dream of me

984 13 38

There are a ton of visuals
you may need tissues for this one...

Harry Styles
August 13, 2018

It's August 13th. Not just any day, it's Ila's birthday today.

Today is also the day that I am going to tell her about my feelings.

I'm going to tell her that I love her.

Last night she stayed here at my house because we were watching movies late and I didn't want her to take an uber that late at night. She moved into her apartment at the beginning of this month and she is still over the moon over getting a place here in LA. Today I plan on taking her out to lunch because I have a few special people who are coming into town for her party tonight.

She knows that we are having a party tonight for her birthday at my place. But, she thinks it's just a few people who are coming. Of course that is not the case because why wouldn't I do anything to make her the happiest she can on her big day. Crimson, Blair, her parents and grandma Gracie came into town last night.

While we are out at lunch Crimson and Blair are coming to my house to decorate and get everything ready for her party. I trust them to not mess up on this because they know Ila the most. So they have creative control on this.

It is around 9:45 and we have reservations for lunch at 1:00 so that gives us enough time to get up and go to her apartment for her to get ready. I'll drop her back off after lunch so that she can also get ready for the party and I can make sure everything and everyone is ready before I pick her up.

Though it's not a surprise party, it is a surprise because of the special guests that I invited. I really just want to make it perfect for my perfect girl. Ila told me that she hasn't had a party since high school, I don't know why but I can only think that it's because of Will so I am going to make her feel so special.

"H?" Ila whispers causing me to come back to earth. "Morning baby," She rolls over to look at me and she has the biggest smile on her face. That smile is as bright as the sun. My sun. "Happy birthday Ila James," pulling her closer to me even though she's already close to me. "Thank you, loverboy." She pulls her bottom lip with her teeth. I wonder what they would feel like on my lips. Ila clears her throat, shaking the thoughts, "what were you saying." Ila chuckles slightly, "I said thank you and you went somewhere else." Feeling slightly embarrassed my cheeks start blushing, "I'm sorry baby, you're welcome." I am the first one to leave my spot in my bed. "I have something for you downstairs Ila come on." She groans and rolls to the edge of the bed in order to get up. She follows me downstairs and into the kitchen where there are doughnuts, coffee, and flowers. More specifically there's white daisies, which I have learned are her favorite flowers. She gets closer to see everything and is in total shock at what's in front of her. Ila pulls out her phone to take pictures of everything.

"Harry, how did you do this? None of this was here last night." She hugs me and I pull her closer and put my head on top of hers. "A man never exposes his secrets. Do you like it?" She pulls away and gives me a face, "Do I like it? I absolutely love it, Harry!" She takes the coffee that was labeled her name, no surprise I got her a latte with whole milk. I need to remind myself to Thank Jeff for doing this for me.

We sat at the island talking about the plans for today and ate the doughnuts I got us. We go over the details of who will be here. Crimson and Blair told her that they could not get away for her birthday this year even though they lied to her. I can tell that's actively bothering her because her best friends are always with her on her birthday. She hasn't mentioned it either but I know she doesn't like that. If only she knew.

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