32//love on horror

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welcome to harryween bitches!

TW: sexual content ;); drug and alcohol use 

Harry Styles
October 31, 2021

Halloween is one of my favorite holidays. So, when we were planning tour originally I made sure to create what I like to call; Harryween. Yesterday was the first night of the Harryween weekend, and it was awesome. Me and the band were all characters from the Wizard of Oz and today well...we will be clowns. In fact even Ila decided to be a clown tonight even though I told her she didn't have to join the theme.

Yesterday was so special and tonight is hopefully just as special. Actually, I have invited her family and Crimson, Niall and Blair. When we have been here for the regular show dates for Love on Tour, Ila didn't get to see her friends or Gracie because of how busy we were because of the album and tour. So I know she needs this because I know I need it.

Gracie and I have been planning a dinner at her apartment tomorrow to celebrate the engagement to let everyone know. She wanted to keep it a secret until she was able to see everyone. Jokes on Ila is that her parents and grandma already know. So tonight will be interesting.

We have been at Madison Square all day because it's a lot of work getting everyone through hair and make up and also soundcheck. But we are making it work and have a strict schedule. Ila is currently getting her hair done while Sarah is in the makeup chair. Z is getting action shots as Ave is filming since Ila can't really do that while she is getting her hair done. "Guys seriously you don't have to get photos of me, this is all about Harry," she laughs out before smirking at me through the mirror. "Okay Ila stop moving I am trying to secure this wig," Violet says and Ila immediately stays still and closes her mouth. Making everyone else laugh which makes her try her hardest to not laugh.

"Alright H after Sarah is done with her makeup we are doing soundcheck!" Jeff yells as he enters the green room. I give him a thumbs up and get up from my spot on the couch. I walk up to Ila and kiss her on her cheek before I head to the stage. "She will be on stage in a few minutes," I hear Maddie say to Jeff before I am fully out of the room.

After soundcheck we all head back to the greenroom and Z and Ave are just getting done with their makeup and hair. All the girls besides Ila have minimal makeup and they all have little space buns. Ila had a different approach to the "clown" theme, which was being joker. "Harry, it's your turn getting makeup done!" Maddie yells at me, so I walk to her station, "Okay kind sir are we still doing what we discussed earlier?" I smile and nod, "yeah I think we should do it for sure." Jeff comes walking in, "Z, Ave we are meeting down the hall real quick." I look over to him confused, "do I need to be in this meeting?" Jeff shakes his head, "no H, it's just a small production meeting." I look at Maddie, both of us confused, "what the fuck?" Me saying this we both started laughing, now that it's just us and Violet in the greenroom.

It's a little bit later now in the night, all the gates are now open so that means all the fans are filing their way into MSG. I haven't seen Ila since before soundcheck but Jeff said that she needed to run and grab something from the apartment. All of us are in the greenroom occupying ourselves with different things. "Knock knock," I hear Lambert's voice come from the doorway, all of us are looking up to him and he has my costume in his hand. I greet him as always, "Okay H lets get you dressed." I nod and we head into a small dressing room connected to the greenroom. "Have you seen Ila at all Lammy?" He nods and smiles, "yeah I was just with her getting her dressed why?" I form my lips in a line and shake my head, "no reason I just haven't seen her since before soundcheck." My voice coming out more disappointed than I thought, Lambert starts laughing, "H that's because we grabbed coffee and got her dressed at your place." I nod and chuckle lightly, "okay that makes me feel better." He rolls his eyes and we both continue to laugh slightly.

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