33//welcome to the final show

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welcome to the final show everybody :)

Ila James
November 16, 2021

"Okay Harry, today is the last studio day. How does that feel?" Jeff asks Harry as soon as we walk into the studio. Harry greets everyone who is in the studio tonight, "it's surreal, definitely." I smile at Harry's response as I sit my stuff down greeting people. Everyone who is a part of making this album, is here in the studio tonight. It's cramped but we will make this work and get this shit done. I look at the whiteboard that has 'final day' written on the top. Followed by all what is left to get done.

I decide to sit on the ground in a little corner while I get my camera ready. I want to get as many stills as I can get tonight because this is a big moment for Harry.

Harry has accomplished so much in these 3 years, a lot of them to better himself so he can be better for everyone else. Putting his best foot forward and giving his fans all of him. Starting that journey with Fine Line and now this album, which officially has a name, Harry's House. He explained it to me as, he is opening his home to everyone letting them in and finally be a more open book. Meaning him admitting certain things of the past and what went wrong all those years ago. Everything that he did that got him to this point.

"Okay do we want to do the final vocals to keep driving?" I over hear kid ask Harry and he nods his head. Harry heads into the booth. I start taking stills of everyone at work and seeing this beautiful process happen. Everytime I have been in the studio with him while making this album I am always speechless. I smile and give Harry a small wave when I catch his eye from the booth. He motions for me to come into the booth but I wait until they take a break.

I walk in there and he takes his headphones off, "hi baby," he says softly while smiling. "Hi H, did you need me? I don't want to bother you." Harry shakes his head, "you're not bothering me. You are doing your job and supporting your fiance." This causes me to giggle, "okay well I will stay over here and get stills in here. Let me know if you need anything." He nods and moves back over to the microphone and headphones. Getting back to it, I take pictures from the angles I like. They record a few more run throughs and I was able to capture a moment. He was looking at everyone through the glass and smiling at them after they let him know that they got it. So I got a picture of that, and it might just be my favorite so far.

The night continues just like this, Harry not wanting me to leave his sight. Luckily we won't be here long tonight since we have made sure not to have much to finish. Especially since we just got back to LA today. Even though we were in San Diego, it's still tiring traveling the way we have to.

Eventually everything is done. Just like that, Harry has an album, well songs for an album. From what I heard there are 20 possible songs that fit on this album but now it's the process of just picking which ones he wants on the album. Once we get the all clear from Kid and the other engineers that it's done, we all cheer. Excitement filling the room. I jump into his arms, taking him off guard. I kiss his, "H you have an album!" I cheer looking at him, "well not just yet but yeah I do. You're right Ila, I have an album-ish." I giggle at his response, he kisses me again and smiles into the kiss. The dimple I love very much popping out to visit.

We stay for just a little longer to have a few drinks to celebrate this accomplishment. There's only been a few times that Harry has drank on tour this time around. When we got engaged, our night out in New York and tonight. Special occasions that he deserves to celebrate.

Saying our goodbyes we head home. Our home.

It's so weird to say that for many reasons. At a point you could have just told us to move in together before we even started dating and we would have said no. That was because we were just friends and even though most nights before he left we would stay the night with each other; we wanted separate spaces. Now that I get to say this is not only Harry's house that I am staying at, it's mine too. Though I wish this was a decision both of us made together, we didn't get that chance. Will, even though what he did was not okay, finally brought us together.

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