My Hope 19(The End)

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The aperture to a Kit

Holding my hand, opens.

I see a hospital around,

Only that I am not visiting this time,

But on the bed.

I can feel a stale pain of

Compounding errors in me.

Errors of misbehaving wounds 

Of my body and head.

I can feel his tears,

Warming my hand.

I can't move much,

So, I move my finger,

To signal him of my arrival back,

To his world,

To him.

He lifts his head,

And with his sighs,

Kisses me frantically,

As does his tears move from his beautiful blues.

He was my first crush,

My first friend,

My first love.

I waited long for him to confess,

But in absence of that,

Convinced myself of his love for me,

Not like my love for him.

He can't say much,

But his tears, his touch and his kisses,

Speak for miles of distance between us,

Covering all the lengths of life,

I have waited.

Walking towards me, step by step

Closer and Closer with every breath.

Then he holds my face

Very protectively and delicately,

"Welcome back my darling,

Thank you for coming back.

I will now protect you.


I will never 

Let you be

Out of my sight.

Don't worry.

The police took that...."

I interrupt,

"I don't want to know about him,

But you. You only."

"I have not been okay.

Without you, I can't be okay.

Even if you don't want me to,

I will stay by your side,

'cause I love you,

From ever

For ever my love."

I smile and look into his deep blue eyes,

"I am going to let you stay by me,

'Cause, I love you too Kit! 

We are going to be happy now."

I say under my breath.

We hug like inseparable,

And then I thank my stars & fate,

For giving me 

The most awesome guy ever,

In the face of

My love and my best friend.


Thank you all for loving My Hope. I hope you do like the

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