The Fallen Depth

160 27 11

People say,

Experiences teach you,

Better teachers,

Being the bad ones.

People say,

Failures lead to success,

Worst fall,

Leads to the highest climbs.

I know,

It is true.

At least,

I want to believe,

It is.

'Cause if I stop believing,

I will stay at the bottomless pit,

Of sorrow,

And one day,

Drown in my own tears.

Even if,

I may climb someday.

Even if,

What all say is true.

I will lose a part of me,

To this dark depth.

I will not be myself,


'Cause the fall is too much,

'Cause the marsh is too squashy.

Even if I come out of it,

I will take the mud with me.

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